My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 291: Fight against love rivals and show affection

Chapter 291 Confronting a Love Rival and Showing Affection

The porridge bowl was taken away and landed firmly in Ye Xichen's hand.

 Ye Weiyi’s face instantly burst into a bright smile.

Xu Tangxi held her breath, "Ye Xichen, are you really going to waste your time here? You can't make mistakes in the exam, otherwise it will have a great impact on you."

Seeing Ye Xichen carrying the porridge bowl to the dining room calmly, Ye Weiwei jogged two steps to catch up with the long legs, his voice was a little worried, "Brother Chen? Will you be able to take the exam in time? Will it have a big impact?"

 Ye Xichen cherished his words as if they were gold, saying, "It's okay."

Ye Weiwei bit her pink lips lightly, her eyes filled with smiles as bright as countless stars.

Xu Tangxi sat on the sofa angrily, with his arms folded and his face full of dissatisfaction.

The iceberg-faced Gu Chengxi slowly walked down the stairs, "Your great principles are no match for the little girl's coquettishness."

Xu Tangxi punched the sofa in dissatisfaction and groaned, "Brother Gu, you are helping me!"

However, Gu Chengxi glanced away in vain and calmly brushed her mind, "I won't help anyone."

 He was just bored and wanted to make things more interesting.

At this moment, Ye Xichen was sitting quietly at the dining table enjoying delicious rice porridge. His simple and ordinary movements made him feel elegant.

Ye Weiwei sat on the chair next to Ye Xichen, holding his head with both hands and tilting his head to look at him.

Seeing him repeating the movements in an orderly manner, Ye Yiwei turned her eyes and realized that there was a pink mobile phone on the dining table, which belonged to her.

“Hey, why did you take off my phone? It’s not charged yet.” She muttered, reaching out and touching the phone into her hand.

Ye Xichen paused slightly and squinted his eyes secretly.

Xu Tangxi, who came over at some point, interrupted: "Sister, my only sister, someone called you just now."


“I don’t know, he answered the call and hung up without saying anything.” Xu Tangxi “explained” the process to her as if he was joking casually.

Yeye Weiwei blinked, "Since Brother Chen didn't say anything, it must not be an important matter, so just leave it alone."

“Heh, you two brothers and sisters have such a good relationship. If anyone touches my cell phone and hangs up on me, I’m afraid I’ll be very angry.” Xu Tangxi pointed out something strange.

Ke Ye Weiwei didn’t even think about it. He spread his hands and shook his head generously, "It doesn’t matter. We can all share our mobile phones anyway. Brother Chen can answer and hang up the phone at will~"

 Xu Tangxi was criticized like this!

Ye Weiwei raised an eyebrow at her, "Isn't Sister Xu very anxious to go back to school? Otherwise, you should leave first."

Xu Tangxi’s expression was on the right side of her face as she said New Year’s greetings, and she pretended to smile calmly, “Ye Xichen is a patient, I can’t let him travel alone.”

Ye Weiwei smiled with crooked eyebrows, "It doesn't matter, I'll just accompany Brother Chen to the exam."

"What did you say?"

 “I said I want to accompany brother Chen to take the exam, and I will take good care of him!”


The celadon porridge bowl made a knocking sound when placed on the table. Ye Xichen scolded him with a serious expression, "Nonsense!"

Xu Tangxi breathed a sigh of relief and also raised his eyebrows at Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei snorted softly, "The final exam is still half a month away, and I have already reviewed everything."

 She attaches great importance to her studies, and the results of the final exam are already in her budget.

"Brother Chen, I'm very worried about you. If you don't let me see it with my own eyes, I will definitely not be able to eat well and sleep well, and the impact will be huge." Ye Weiwei grabbed his arm and started to act like a baby.

Ye Xichen coughed, with a dark and unclear look in his eyes, "Your classmates are also worried about you."

 Ye Weiwei pinched her little finger and blinked innocently, "But I'm only worried about you."

    The sweets with 3,000 recommendation votes are presented to you, and the sweets with 4,000 recommendation votes are waiting for you.

   OVO’s little bell has exploded, has it? So now should we let the little bell "accompany the exam"? ? ?

Answer to the second question: Brother Chen’s hobby is gaming~ Congratulations to Xia Tian for winning 200 book coins and Ze Cheng for winning 100 book coins. Contact Xi Yue to receive the award.



 (End of this chapter)

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