My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 302: Honey love is 99 minutes sweet

Chapter 302: Sweet Love Is 99 Sweet

Yu Anran bumped into someone as soon as she left the classroom. When she looked up, she saw that it was her boyfriend... Kitano!

   “However, little beauty, if you don’t look at the road, you will be knocked stupid.”

Beiye always liked to use a special tone to care about her, even Yu Anran who was in a depressed mood couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, she still did not laugh unbridled.

Yu Anran was silent for a moment, then looked up at him, "Bei Ye, I have something to tell you."

Bei Ye turned his eyes and said, "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later. I'll take you out to eat."

Yu Anran was shocked and glanced down at the watch on his wrist, "Now? It's time to start evening self-study soon!"

 “Tsk.” Kitano spread his hands indifferently, “It doesn’t matter what the evening self-study is, you ask for leave.”

Yu Anran shook his head and said, "Don't treat studying as a joke. You are about to take the college entrance examination."

 “What are you afraid of, the results are just like that anyway!”

 Kitano is very messy, but his grades are actually in the upper-middle range, and he has no problem getting a bachelor's degree.

 But Yu Anran believes that in order to strive for a better future, one should review hard at this time and strive to get higher scores.

"It doesn't matter, beauty, if you don't agree, I will take you out!" Kitano is a fool and a fool, he can do what he says.

"You're crazy!" Yu Anran looked around like a thief. There were scattered classmates in the corridor. The two of them were not eye-catching here.

 But Bei Ye was very insistent and only asked her: "Then do you agree?"

Yu Anran had nothing to do with him, so she sighed and agreed, "I'll just ask for leave."

Yu Anran seems to be a very independent girl, but in fact she is also...very dependent on others.

For example, she doesn’t decide what to do on the ground every time they go on a date, because she is used to Kitano being decisive and straightforward, and he will never let her down every time!

At the school gate, Kitano’s bicycles are still popular.

Yu Anran sat close to him in the back seat, "What are we going to do now?"

 “Relax, I’ve been very strict lately, I haven’t been to the game arcade for a long time.”

 “Don’t always think about having fun, you are about to take the college entrance examination!”

"I know, I know, whatever my wife says is whatever I say! Let's go!" Kitano is always so naughty.

He has a fiery and decisive personality, while Yu Anran is quiet and gentle, but he just likes her.

 Yu Anran’s control over him was exactly what Beiye had been missing since childhood. His out-of-touch personality did not make him bored, but made him feel warm.

 Some people, once you see them right, can keep them in your heart for the rest of your life.

Yu Anran is like this to Bei Ye.

Beiye took her to the game arcade. Yu Anran looked out of place here, but in fact, she followed Kitano and played all the interesting things around her in the past two years.

 Judging from her usually elegant appearance, she prefers the carefree feeling on the dance machine.

 She has lost her status as the eldest daughter of the Yu family and the dignity she deserves. Only when she is with Kitano can she get the happiness and freedom that people of her age deserve.

 “Hey, your car passed me again!”

 “Call me brother and I’ll let you win!”

 “I don’t want it, I won’t give you an advantage.”

"Then I'll give you an advantage..." As soon as he finished speaking, the game car controlled by Kitano instantly went out of bounds.

Yu Anran won!

Her swollen cheeks were smiling, "Who told you to lose to me on purpose?"

“Who made you my daughter-in-law? Give me a kiss to make up for it.”

 It’s just that the more Yu Anran changes, the more she will be exposed in front of Mrs. Yu.


 At the Yu family villa, Mrs. Yu looked at the paired photos, and even the cat in her hand was injured.

   Want to give the cat a name, Qibao, please tell me~



 (End of this chapter)

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