My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 305: Mom, no!

Chapter 305 Mom, no!

“Bei Ye, An Ran, come down and don’t think too hard!”

Ye Weiwei and Shen Nian'an ran down the teaching building. When they looked up, they saw two figures standing on the edge of the rooftop, seemingly entangled with each other.

very dangerous!

The image and sound of a woman jumping off a building flashed in my mind, "Xiao Li, mom is sorry for you, I'm sorry for your dad, mom has no face to live in the world anymore."

"Qiao Li, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid at this time!" Shen Nian'an came to her to find a solution, but he didn't expect Ye Weiyi to be so frightened.

He called her name but received no response. Shen Nian'an looked back and found Ye Weiwei sitting on the ground, shaking all over.

"You, Qiao Li, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? An Ran is still upstairs..."

Perhaps the unintentional words stimulated Ye Weiwei, and she suddenly ran up the stairs.

 On the rooftop.

Yu Anran and Bei Ye still don’t know that their actions have been misunderstood.

It was only when Yu Anran met Kitano that she truly realized that what her mother said was true!

 The punishment that mother said fell on Bei Ye.

But Beiye is just a poor student with no status, and he can't resist the threat from the Yu family!

Yu Anran wanted to touch the three wounds on her face but didn't dare, "Did someone from the Yu family give you trouble?"

Kitano laughed, and he didn't care about his expression. "What is the matter? When you go out and play, you accidentally argue with people and hurt people, little things!"

Yu Anran exposed his lie: "You don't have to lie to me, my mother has already shown her cards to me."

Beiye raised his eyebrows, but still refused to admit it, "However, little beauty, these are really nothing to me."

Yu Anran shook his head. A person with very little emotion was so distressed that he shed two tears, "Beiye, let's separate for now."

Bei Ye's fake smile disappeared instantly, and his tone became a little darker, "Of course, I don't like hearing these words."

Yu Anran took a step back and started arguing with him, "This is not a question of whether you like it or not!"

"Why not? I like you and you like me. What's the problem between the two of us being together?"

"But we can't be together now! My mother will not agree with me falling in love with someone without a family background!" Yu Anran has a relatively straightforward personality. She does not coax people around, she is practical and realistic.

 She admitted that she liked Bei Ye, but she had to admit that they couldn't beat the Yu family now.

But Beiye refused to accept his fate. He was used to being arrogant and unrestrained and would never admit defeat.

"But you heard me! Don't believe what your mother said, don't give in to her, our feelings have nothing to do with family background, and your choice should not be influenced by others!"

Yu Anran covered her ears and refused to listen, "Bei Ye, you still don't understand that in this world, more than just liking is enough! We are just separated temporarily, wait for the future, wait for the future..."

Beiye didn't want to listen to her reasoning, so he put his hands on her shoulders and said with firm words, "You have to fight for things in the future instead of waiting. Yu Anran, listen, I will not give in, let alone break up. "

At this moment, the only thing I did was run upstairs.

The first time she rushed to the rooftop, she saw Beiye "dragging" Yu Anran to the edge of the rooftop.

"no no no!"

 The only voice in the night suddenly startled Bei Ye and Yu Anran.

Yu Anran pushed Beiye away awkwardly, and that action turned into a picture of a woman pushing away a uniformed policeman in Ye Weiwei's sight!

 “No, mom, don’t!”

“Ah!” Ye Weiwei held his head in his hands, his legs went weak and he fell to the ground.

  Whose turn is it to take the stage at this time?

1. Ye Xichen?

2. Su Yichen?

3. Han Xingye?



 (End of this chapter)

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