My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 311: Accidental car accident, Ye Xichen becomes ill

Chapter 311 Accidental car accident, Ye Xichen becomes ill

Gu Chengxi touched his neck and twisted it twice. With his only peripheral vision, he caught his movements and saw the red marks on his neck. He said in a soft voice: "Brother Gu, your neck is injured. Are you going to apply some medicine?”

 “I think you’d rather I just disappear!”

 “…” Ye was speechless.

 Because she does think so!

Gu Chengxi understood the meaning from her eyes, snorted coldly and turned to the bathroom to deal with it.

Dr. Huo answered the phone and walked to the balcony to answer it.

Ye Weiwei took the opportunity to take out his cell phone and kept dialing Ye Xichen, but no one answered.

 It’s like this every time!

 When I was a kid, I wanted to go to an amusement park, but no one answered my phone calls. Later, my mother was in danger, so she tried to call him but still couldn’t receive the signal.

 It’s like this every time!

Her hands were trembling, and her mobile phone slipped from the side and fell into the gap of the sofa. She lowered her head and pressed a hand on her head in pain, "You have to break your promise even though you made it! Other things are always more important than me!"


Yeye Weiwei suddenly stood up and walked out the door.

 The bodyguards guarding the door had received other instructions, so even if Ye Weiwei walked out, they would not stop him.

Dr. Huo came over after making the call and saw that the living room was empty.

 “Where is Miss Qiao?”

 “Miss Qiao is out.”

"What! You just let her go out alone!" Dr. Huo opened his mouth in surprise.

His roar blew up Gu Chengxi.

 As soon as I asked about the situation, Ye Weiwei ran away!

  “What are you doing standing around! Why don’t you hurry up and get the person back!”

Gu Chengxi called her with a cold face, only to find that his phone kept vibrating on the sofa.

 He is careless!

"This is terrible. According to Miss Qiao's current state, her thinking is extreme and she can only get into trouble with everything."

Ye Weiyi is now mentally unstable and thinks differently than ordinary people. She is inherently insecure and has an increased sense of self-protection, so once an accident happens, she will think of the worst.

"These two people are really, one will not come back and the other will run away!" Dr. Huo was anxious.

 He is a psychiatrist, but he has two difficult ancestors to deal with. How easy it is for him!

 Fortunately, Gu Chengxi was calm enough and sent people out to check for Ye Xichen. "Something must have happened to Ye Xichen."

Gu Chengxi’s guess was correct.

  During the rush hour of commuting, he hailed an empty taxi after leaving the airport because he was in a hurry. He did not expect that the driver was a drunk driver. When he heard that he was in a hurry, the driver who thought he had good skills became confused.

 Accidentally hit another car. The huge impact force caused insufficient blood oxygen supply to the people in the car.

 The car accident was not serious, but it triggered Ye Xichen's chronic illness and he fainted on the spot.

The perpetrator was sent to the police station. Someone happened to recognize Ye Xichen and contacted Ye immediately.

As soon as Mrs. Ye and Ye Hantian received the news, they immediately blocked it.

 After handling this matter, Ye Hantian didn't even go to the hospital to see him, and hurried to an important meeting abroad.

Mrs. Ye complained for a long time and took Li Moer to the hospital.

 The two comforted each other, "Who are the patient's family members?"

“I, I am the patient’s mother.” Mrs. Ye hurriedly walked over, her high heels clicking loudly under her feet, “How is my son doing now?”

“Relatively serious, but not life-threatening.”

 “Huh…” Madam Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

“The root cause of your son’s coma is not the car accident. He has a special physical condition.”


 “Don’t you know, his heart…”

   Brother Chen’s body is more fragile than that of ordinary people ~ because of illness

As for whether the little bell will hide, do you think it will?



 (End of this chapter)

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