My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 325: His father is mentally ill

Chapter 325 His father is mentally ill

Yu Anran knelt on the ground and grabbed Mrs. Yu's hand, "Mother, you can't do this to me!"

Mrs. Yu waved her away ruthlessly, "Yu Anran, I didn't give birth to you and raise you just to let you fall in love with a poor boy! Once you enjoy a wealthy life, you must follow my arrangements!"

 “Then I’d rather not!” She retorted without hesitation.

Mrs. Yu turned back with a fixed look in her eyes.

Seeing Yu Anran's firm eyes, it was the same as when the heartless man made an oath to her.

“Pa!” Mrs. Yu raised her hand and slapped Yu Anran’s cheek, “Shameless! You must remember that you are the eldest daughter of the Yu family, and your life plan is fixed on the board, and you cannot make the decision yourself!”

Mrs. Yu strongly resisted this matter, and Yu Anran fell to her knees in despair.

Mrs. Yu stood at the edge of the door, "I'll leave the phone with you, but you have to know that I will check your call history at any time."

  Meaning, even if Yu Anran got the mobile phone, he would not be able to contact Kitano.

Mrs. Yu slammed the door and walked out. Yu Anran waited quietly for a minute after hearing the closing sound, and hurriedly sent a message to Ye Weiwei.

the next day

 Going to school, Yu Anran didn't come.

Ye Weiwei sighed repeatedly, it seemed that he was really grounded.

When Ye Weiwei went to the office to hand in his homework, he heard the head teacher of the third grade in high school saying that Kitano was not here either. "They are asking for leave all day long at this time. These students really don't take themselves seriously!"

Ye Weiwei silently shook his head as he listened, thinking of Kitano’s hurt face. It would be even worse if he came to school...

Unexpectedly, Kitano appeared at the door of the girls' dormitory in the afternoon, wearing a mask and a hat, and grabbed Ye Weiwei when she passed by.


"it's me."

 Kitano pulled off his mask, and Ye Weiyi quickly shut up.

 “What if?”

 “She, she was grounded by her mother.”

“Sh-it!” Beiye punched him in the air, and the sudden fierce momentum made Ye Weiyi tremble.

"what you up to?"

“My **** wife is locked up and suffering, and I, a grown man, do nothing, what are you talking about!”

Beiye left the school after saying harsh words. Shenlong was nowhere to be seen, leaving Ye Weiwei confused.

The only obstacle Ye faced was blocked by Ye Xichen, who hid her under his safe wings, but Beiye was different. Beiye had to rely on himself!

Bei Ye left school and went to Yu's house.

He already knew the address of Yu's family. Yu Anran never let him take her home in person because she was worried about this happening.

 But now, he can no longer care about so much!

Beiye went to Yu's house alone, and of course he didn't break in by force, because he saw a group of security teams guarding the door...

 Kitano was very adventurous when he was young. He loved to crawl into corners, climb trees and climb walls.

 Now, he plans to do the same!

Beiye walked around the Yu family's gorgeous villa to observe the terrain and found that every building was carefully designed and the windows were all welded with iron.


 He specially brought tools for wall climbing when he came here, but when he got here he found that these things were of no use at all!

Unwilling to give up easily, Kitano wandered around the perimeter a few times, and when the gardener watering the flowerbed wasn't paying attention, he secretly climbed in through the fence of the flowerbed with the help of tools.

He moved around vigilantly and found a fan-shaped window. Through the window, he saw Yu Anran kneeling in front of a lady holding a cat.

 “Mother, please forgive me.”

 “His father is mentally ill, he is different from us!”

 (End of this chapter)

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