My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 329: The Flaw of the Fake Granddaughter

Chapter 329 The Flaw of the Fake Granddaughter

Ever since the Qiao family and the Ye family established a cooperative relationship, Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Ye have gradually become closer. Seeing that Mrs. Qiao is happy with Li Moer, she often keeps Li Moer by her side.

“Mama Ye, Grandma Qiao, Mo’er knows that there is a teahouse nearby, it’s the best place to enjoy the afternoon.”

Mrs. Qiao felt that whatever her granddaughter said was fine at the time, she agreed repeatedly, and Mrs. Ye had no objection.

Mrs. Ye is of course happy to be friends with such a big business client, especially because this transaction has brought huge benefits to both parties. In the past two days, Ye Hantian has been known to go home and even bought her a gift.

Mrs. Ye has been left out for many years. Now she finally feels the warmth from her husband. She is very happy and her attitude towards Mrs. Qiao has become better and better.

 In fact, Mrs. Qiao knew a little bit about the emotional rift between Mr. and Mrs. Ye, so she specifically spoke for Mrs. Ye in front of Ye Hantian, just to thank the couple for adopting her granddaughter from the Qiao family.

 In short, whether it is a public matter or a private matter, both sides benefit.

 Tasting tea, not necessarily everyone who drinks tea knows how to taste tea.

 Some rich people only drink the price of the tea, such as Li Mo'er.

 She is not interested in such literary and artistic things, but she looks quite elegant in pretending.

When they started talking about it, she just made a few nonsense words according to what was written in the book. Mrs. Qiao would not ask any more questions and just felt that her granddaughter was doing well in everything.

 Suddenly a cat ran over to the next table. Li Moer was particularly surprised to see the snow-white fur and blue cat eyes.

“Where did this cat come from? It’s so cute.”

As soon as Mrs. Qiao saw the cat coming, she subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

“This cat looks like a very delicate cat. It must have been carefully raised by a distinguished guest.”

Li Moer wanted to reach out and hug the cat, but due to the situation, she just touched the cat's fur lightly.

The cat didn’t like being touched by humans and struggled immediately. If Li Moer hadn’t reacted quickly, he would have almost been bitten on the hand.

Li Mo'er stood up in shock. Madam Ye and Mrs. Qiao shouted "Mo'er" at the same time, but Mrs. Qiao's movements were wider and the expression on her face was more anxious.

At this moment a man came over and took the cat back and apologized.

"It's okay, it's okay. Be careful in the future and don't let the cat run around." It was Li Mo'er who took the initiative to touch it. Fortunately, she was not bitten, and she had nothing to say.

 Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Qiao were both relieved when they saw that she was fine.

Mrs. Qiao sighed inwardly. She was allergic to cats, and so was her son. Who would have thought that her granddaughter actually liked cats?

“Mo’er, you, you like cats? Aren’t you allergic to them?”

"No way." Li Mo'er shook her head strangely, "Cats are very cute, why are they allergic?"

“I am allergic to cats, so I saw you taking the initiative to touch the cat just now, so I just asked casually.”

“Really, Grandma Qiao is allergic to cats, so you need to be careful.”

 Seeing that Li Moer was not worried, Mrs. Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Madam Ye, who had remained silent, saw some signs.

This old lady, does she care too much about her, the adopted daughter of the Ye family?

Your last name is Joe?

How can there be such a coincidence in the world...

Mrs. Ye paid extra attention to make it difficult for people to check, and the information was quickly sent to the Ye family.

At this moment, Mrs. Ye and Li Mo'er haven't gone home yet.

The housekeeper placed the information in the study room after receiving Madam Ye's instruction.

No one expected Ye Xichen to come back suddenly.

 “What are you holding in your hand?”

  “It’s a piece of information that Madam asked for.”

Ye Xichen glanced at it and saw a black label with the word "Qiao" attached to it.

What will Brother Chen do? Hide or find out the truth?



 (End of this chapter)

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