My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 332: Medication

Chapter 332 Medication

Ye Youwei stared at her hands with all her attention. She endured the itch and felt that her obsessive-compulsive disorder was coming out. It was really uncomfortable!

 Her mental energy was concentrated on her hands, and there were thick beads of sweat on her forehead.

 Because just now…

When Shen Nian'an went to queue to sell roast duck, he put the books in her hands separately to prevent her from scratching.

Ye Weiwei sat obediently on the rest chair, holding the book in both hands, just in case he couldn't help but scratch it.

“This ointment in school is too fake.” It was fine when she first applied the ointment, but not long after, her hand started to itch again.

People next to her looked at her holding the book in her hands and teased her, "Little girl, put the book down, your hands are shaking."

Ye Weiwei shook her head. Her hands were shaking not because of the weight of the book, but because her hands were itchy now!

· Above the head, a uniquely friendly voice suddenly came out, "Is it...little girl Qiao Ling?"

 At first hearing the unfamiliar voice, Ye Yiwei raised his head reflexively, and a kind face came into view.

She blinked, suddenly thinking of this person's identity, and couldn't help blurting out: "Grandma?"

This soft and soft voice shouted the endearment, which made Mrs. Qiao's heart feel as if something hit her. It was even more profound than when she heard Li Mo'er call her "Grandma Qiao" before.

what 's wrong…

Before she had time to think about it, Mrs. Qiao noticed the sweat on her forehead and the way she held the book in her hands.

Mrs. Qiao was very surprised by this, "Little girl, what are you doing?"

Ye Weiwei felt a little aggrieved and muttered an explanation, "My hands are allergic and itchy. I hold the book to prevent myself from scratching."

I don’t know why, but facing this kind grandmother, she seemed to have found someone to talk to about her grievances, and her voice became a little tired.

Hearing her serious explanation, Mrs. Qiao immediately couldn't laugh or cry, "It's itchy? I need medicine. How can I do it while holding a book!"

“I applied medicine before, but it didn’t work. Maybe it’s because I have a serious allergy.”

"Alas..." Mrs. Qiao sighed and quickly took the book off her hands. "The medicine will definitely work, but you must not be using the right medicine."

Without a book to cover her hands, Mrs. Qiao naturally saw the red dots on the back of Ye Weiwei's hands. This sign was like when she... was allergic to cats!

Mrs. Qiao frowned and asked, "Little girl, why are you allergic?"

Ye Weiwei answered honestly: "I accidentally touched a cat. I'm allergic to cats."

Mrs. Qiao was shocked.

 “This, what a coincidence.”

"What?" Ye Yiyi didn't hear what she meant for the moment.

Mrs. Qiao recovered from the shock and quickly took out an ointment from her bag, "Let's try this. This is specially designed to treat cat allergies."

 “Hey, grandma, why do you have this?”

“Otherwise, how can we say we are destined? I am also allergic to cats, so I always have it ready.”

In this era when many people love to play with cats, you will encounter them if you are not careful. Pei Yichen prepared it for her.

Ye Weiwei thanked her and wiped it with confidence. Unexpectedly, it stopped itching as soon as she applied it.

“Grandma, this medicine is really good.” Ye Weiwei looked at the medicine bottle carefully and wrote down the name.

Mrs. Qiao gave it to her generously, "I'll give it to you. It's really effective."

 Yeye only needed this, and she didn't pretend to be pretentious, "Thank you, grandma!"

Mrs. Qiao could not help but ask: "Little girl, may I ask, what is your father's name?"

   The cutie who is the first to leave a message in this chapter, take the screenshot and post it privately in the group to receive 100 book coins as a reward~

There is such a benefit later!



 (End of this chapter)

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