My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 341: An Ran took the fatal blow for him

Chapter 341 An Ran took the fatal blow for him

 "Pattering, pattering... crackling..." The sky that was originally cloudy was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the light rain quickly turned into heavy rain.

 A human body was lying on the ground, his face was covered in red blood, and his clothes were in tatters.

Wang Hu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and took out his mobile phone to play the sound.

"I know you have a grudge against Bei Ye. I can tell you right now that he will appear at the racing track this afternoon. Then you will bring someone to deal with him and warn him not to pester me!"

  The recording played on the mobile phone is the voice of the calm and unique girl that Kitano dreams about every day.

 But the words she spoke were like a sharp sword piercing his heart!

"This money is to reward you. As long as he agrees to give up, I don't care about the rest. There will be a reward after the event is completed."

"Of course, don't be too harsh. After all, he is also my ex."

Wang Hu played the entire recording, put it away, and laughed sinisterly.

He deliberately squatted down, held up the phone in front of Kitano and shook it, "Did you hear that? Kitano!"

 “Hahaha, hahaha!” Beiye suddenly laughed loudly, with blood flowing from his mouth.

Wang Hu also laughed, but slowly and mockingly, "You protected that woman when school started, but in the end, you were tricked by her!"

It turns out that Yu Anran accidentally met Wang Hu and others on the first day of school, and Kitano protected her from leaving at that time.

"A poor boy must be self-aware. What is your identity? The toad wants to eat swan meat. Dream on!"

Meeting again and again, Kitano fell in love with him, and he never recovered!

Wang Hu deliberately played those recordings in his ears. Beiye suddenly bared his teeth and grabbed Wang Hu's cell phone with fierce eyes. Wang Hu couldn't get rid of it with such strength.

Wang Hu pulled with all his strength, but Kitano just wouldn’t let go.

"Fuck NM!" Wang Hu stood up and kicked him on the head mercilessly. Kitano's head hit the ground, his eyes flashed, and he fainted.

Wang Hu spat on the ground disdainfully, "Bah!"

 He bent down to take his mobile phone back from Beiye's hand, but found that Beiye was holding on tightly and he couldn't pull it out!

Wang Hu glanced at it unwillingly, "Whatever you look at, turn your head!"

His miserable appearance was like a laughingstock to his brothers.

Those gangsters suppressed laughter and turned their heads.

Wang Hu continued to pull the phone and tried to pull Kitano's fingers, but found that he couldn't pull it off no matter what.

"Beiye, why the **** are you pretending to be dead!" Wang Hu was furious, thinking that Beiye was pretending to be dead on purpose, so he picked up a thick stick next to him and swung it at his body!



A sharp girl's sound overlapped with the loud sound of a stick being struck, and Wang Hu hit Yu Anran **** the body with a stick that used seven points of strength...

At that moment, the raindrops in the sky fell even harder.

 It seems like the sky is crying for them.

 “What the hell!”

Suddenly a woman appeared and frightened Wang Hu. He threw the stick and stood aside. He opened his eyes wide and took a look. He was so frightened that his legs went weak and he knelt on the ground.

This is the real eldest daughter of the Yu family, Yu Anran herself!

Yu Anran, who had never experienced gravity before, received a heavy blow. At that time, he was so weak that he almost fainted. However, he still used his last bit of reason to grab Wang Hu's trouser leg and said, "Save him, save him..."

The **** team of the Yu family all rushed over. Mrs. Yu’s confidant, Assistant Sun, was so frightened that she said, “Quickly, send the lady to the hospital!”

 “What should I do with this person?”

 “Take the lady away! No matter whether the others live or die!”

 (End of this chapter)

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