My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 346: Maybe he will become a useless person

Chapter 346: Maybe he will become a useless person


 This is the third time Yu Anran has broken a cup.

She still clearly remembers what the doctor said in front of her, "Ms. Yu's hand suffered a violent impact that caused the bones to dislocate. Even if she recovers well, I'm afraid she won't be able to use gravity in the future."

 “My hand is useless, right?”

The doctor used professional terms to give Yu Anran tactful hints, but Yu Anran already fully understood what the doctor meant.

She smiled and passed by, and after sending the doctor to finish the examination and leave, she cast her eyes on Mrs. Yu, "Mother, how much value does a Miss Yu who has lost her hand have to you?"

Mrs. Yu's face froze, she raised her posture as a noble lady outside, and said to her daughter like an order: "Yu Anran! I won't allow you to be so depressed. You must cooperate with the doctor's instructions and recover as soon as possible!"

here we go again…

  This is another order from superiors to subordinates.

Growing up, she was probably a thorn in her mother's heart, but she couldn't remove that thorn.

Yu Anran is Yu Anran. Even if he knows that his hand is broken, he will not cry without any image. There is a bit of indifference on his face, and there is no trace of warmth in his eyes.

"That's right. I am the only daughter you have. I am quite valuable to you."

After hearing this, Yu Anran shook her head and muttered to herself, not knowing what she was talking about.

Mrs. Yu stared at a gloomy face, her tone was not necessarily gentle, but always so stern, "Yu Anran, you'd better get rid of those messy thoughts!"

Yu Anran closed her eyes and didn't want to argue anymore, "Mom, I'm very tired. I want to rest."

 “Wait a minute, what are you going to do with the person who hurt you?”

“Mother should have already planned it, right?”

"Of course, I will first..." Mrs. Yu felt angry when she thought of Wang Hu. She almost said her heart out loud with a cold smile.

Meeting Yu Anran’s burning eyes, Mrs. Yu suddenly stopped her voice.

“So why do you need to ask me, mother? You can just solve it.”

Anyway, Yu Anran knew that Mrs. Yu was used to being independent, and the so-called "asking" was just a word.

Mrs. Yu grunted and left the room, but left her pet cat beside Yu Anran.

 Yu Anran may not like small animals that much, but she definitely likes this cat.

“Cat, am I so timid that I dare not even ask...”

Knowing that Kitano’s incident was related to her mother, she could only avoid it.

 She couldn't resist her mother.

 “Dong dong dong.”

"Come in."

Ye Weiwei walked in and closed the door gently, "An Ran, I'm here to see you."

She didn't bring anything with her, but Yu Anran was most happy to see her, "Xiao Ling, have you seen him? How is he?"

Ye Weiwei said half-truthfully: "Don't worry, it's fine. It's just a skin injury that needs to be taken care of."

 “It’s okay...” Yu Anran laughed dumbly.

Ye Weiwei stood on the invisible ground and sighed. Later, Beiye really woke up, but the doctor said that he had saved his life and the injury was serious.

"By the way, Anron, do you want me to help you carry messages or something?"

"don't want!"

Ye Weiwei was retorted as soon as he finished speaking. Yu Anran seemed a little excited, "Don't tell him, don't say anything to him!"

 “Why are you lying in the hospital because of him?”

 “Tell him and he won’t give up.”

 She can never get close to Beiye again, otherwise she may make a worse mistake next time!

Ye Weiwei sighed, "Okay, I will convey the news in time."

 (End of this chapter)

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