My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 364: Do you remember Kitano?

Chapter 364: Do you remember Bei Ye?

The engagement party between Yu Anran and Mr. Yu was held as scheduled. Ye Weiwei was brought to the scene by Ye Xichen. She was particularly awkward.

She wanted to meet Yu Anran in advance, but Yu Anran's family wouldn't let her.

"I'm sorry, our lady is preparing for the engagement banquet at this time. Please come with us." Those people took her to other resting places, but they did not let Yu Anran see her.

"An Ran, will you really agree to the engagement?" Ye Weiwei stood next to Ye Xichen with a solemn expression on his face.

Ye Xichen knew a lot of things very well, "I'm afraid she has to agree even if she doesn't agree."

"What's the meaning?"

"As far as I know, the Yu family and the Yu family have always been close partners. Recently, the Yu family has had some problems. They probably want to use marriage to tie up that relationship."

It’s a good thing that the Yu family didn’t abandon the Yu family at this time.

 Business marriage.

She should have thought that Yu Anran could not like anyone else, but in order to save the Yu family, she had to get engaged to the Yu family?

Ye Weiwei was very worried, "Brother, can you help her?"

Ye Xichen shook his head to shatter her hope and said, "This is a matter between two families, and we are not qualified to interfere."

 "What should An Ran do..."

“Yu Anran is a smart person and she will make her own choices.”

Ye's only choice was that she couldn't see Yu Anran and had no idea what she was planning in her heart. She could only feel sad for Yu Anran silently.

At this time, Assistant Sun suddenly walked towards them. After nodding in greeting, Assistant Sun politely said to Ye Weiwei: "Miss Qiao, our lady invites you to come in and talk about old times."

 “Hey, is it true? Let’s go!” She was eager to meet Yu Anran!

Assistant Sun respectfully led her to Yu Anran's temporary lounge.

 In fact, it was Yu Anran who requested to see Qiao Lian, and the prerequisite for agreeing to this request was that... Yu Anran had already agreed to get engaged.

As soon as Ye Weiwei entered, Yu Anran asked everyone around him to step back.

  At first, those people refused to leave, and Yu Anran's face darkened, "Since I promised, I will not go back on my word."

"go out!"

Assistant Sun signaled to those people, and they left one by one, leaving Ye Weiwei and Yu Anran their own space.

Ye couldn't hold back for a moment, "Anran, have you agreed to get engaged?"

 “Yeah, I agreed.”

"Why? You definitely don't like that Mr. Yu!"

“Does it matter whether I like it or not? It’s enough if their family can help our family.”

“How could you compromise so easily? You should have told us earlier. Maybe we could help you think of a solution!”

"Actually, I...forget it, that's it." What she wanted to say was that she had been kept in the dark.

 It’s really funny, the mother deliberately concealed it, and at the last moment, she was forced to submit.

“Xiao Li, I didn’t meet you to make suggestions to resist. I just feel that you are too lonely and want to see your only friend.”

 Yu Anran rarely made friends with others, and the three years of high school when she met Ye Weiyi were truly a magical fate.

They chatted for a while, and soon Assistant Sun knocked on the door to remind, "Miss An Ran, Miss Qiao, the time is up."

 “I know, I will go down.”

Ye Weiwei felt panicked. He grabbed Yu Anran when she was about to step out of the door and asked quietly: "Do you remember Bei Ye?"

Yu Anran was silent for dozens of seconds.

 “Let’s go, the engagement party is about to begin.”

  Sit back and wait for Kitano to appear~



 (End of this chapter)

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