My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 368: Nangong Luo and Liuli return to China

Chapter 368 Nangong Luo and Liuli return home

 In the blink of an eye, it’s time to check the admission notice.

 The school hung up a banner with red cloth and black characters because their school produced two provincial champions this year!

The principal's face is now shining brightly. When being interviewed by the TV station, he kept praising Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen for their great achievements in the school.

  Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen were squeezed together.

 The reporter interviewed them, talking about their studies and ideals.

"I heard that there are many legends about the two top picks. Their first choices were both G City Finance College, but they both rejected the recommended places at the beginning, and now they got the exact same scores and were admitted to your first choice school. Did you guys negotiate this?"

This kind of thing... is quite legendary when word spreads about it.

 It’s quite embarrassing to say it.

The two top scorers, a boy and a girl, were classmates. Although Ye Weiwei had always been among the best, he suddenly became the provincial top pick with exactly the same score as Su Yichen. This was simply a dark horse among top academics!

It is inevitable that some people will make fun of the relationship between Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen. She clarified this time and time again, "It's all just a coincidence!"

When those photos are sent out, it is not up to the editor to decide how to write the content.

Shen Nianan and Meng Ze were admitted to the same medical school as they wished, and Yu Anran was also admitted to Hosei University.

Gu Yiyi failed the college entrance examination and did not enter the heavy undergraduate program. Instead, she chose a school in G city.

It seems like people who have been together for three years have suddenly separated.

Ye Xichen's S city accompanied Ye Weiwei for a month before he returned to G city because he had to deal with his company's affairs.

 Ye Weiwei didn't accompany him because...because Gong Qianli was back!

They haven't seen each other for a long time, but they are not unfamiliar at all.

“Oh my god, you have changed so much that I almost don’t recognize you. Which little fairy came down to earth to overcome the calamity?”

“Liuli, you have changed a lot too!”

 Foreign schools are not so rigid, and some even require students to learn how to put on makeup.

Gong Qianli permed her straight hair into big waves, dyed it brown, put on light makeup, and had a charming eye.

Gong Qianli's clothes are very fashionable. She is neither cute nor clear. She is the kind of woman who wants a face and a figure. When she gets older, she will definitely be a gorgeous beauty.

The two of them were talking to each other about their love for each other at the airport. Suddenly, an angry male voice rang in their ears, "Gong Qianli, what the **** did you put in your suitcase? It's so heavy!"

Gong Qianli knew who was coming without even looking, and immediately shouted back rudely, "Why are you yelling like a grown man? Don't you know I'm a weak woman?"

Nangong Luoxiao, "Weak woman, you? A weak woman who can lift a man weighing two hundred kilograms?"

 “Ahem, what nonsense are you talking about?”

Looking at the way the two were quarreling, Ye Weiwei was laughing from ear to ear.

These two people really... haven't changed at all.

Gong Qianli deliberately pulled Ye Weiyi forward. Although Nangong Luo complained, he still accepted his fate and dragged the suitcase.

A young girl suddenly rushed out and ran to Nangong Luo, "Handsome guy, do you need help?"

 “Stop it, how can you let a beautiful woman do such a thing.”

 “Handsome guy, do you have a girlfriend?”

Gong Qianli and Ye Weiwei were walking and found that Nangong Luo had not followed. When they turned around, they saw him standing with a strange girl.

 “Damn it, you can’t walk when you see a woman, right?”

Gong Qianli quickly walked back, holding Nangong Luo's hand, "My dear, what are you doing!"

It seems like every day someone in the book review section hopes that Liuli and Nangong Luo will be together.



 (End of this chapter)

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