My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 384: My boyfriend’s strength is maxed out, sit on it

Chapter 384: My boyfriend’s strength is maxed out, sit on it

Ye Weiwei turned around and saw that the man holding him was wearing a mask covering most of his face.



 “Giggle…” Ye Weiyi twisted her body restlessly because she wanted to say: “But you hold my waist and it makes me itchy.”

 Ye Xichen: “…”

He held Ye Weiwei's waist with both hands, and suddenly lifted her up higher. He suddenly held her little crotch and made her sit on his broad shoulders, holding her with both hands to ensure her safety.

"Wow..." The view above others became extremely empty, Ye Weiwei was amazed, and she felt very relieved about Ye Xichen.

 “Brother is great!”

Watching the magician's performance, a picture that had been buried in her memory for a long time suddenly appeared in her mind.

The little girl and the little boy went hand in hand to the amusement park. There were balloon vendors there who turned long, round balloons into various shapes. Many children gathered around and asked their parents for them.

 “Brother Chen, I want to see it!”

The little girl was not interested in the finished product. She found the process very surprising, but there were so many people blocking the way that no one could see them.

 “Brother Chen, hug me!”

 The little boy picked up the person with a helpless expression, but when a child picks up a child, the height only increases a little bit, which is not even close to the height of an adult.

 The little girl was very distressed, "Brother, why can't you lift it up like your father? The little bell wants to see higher and farther!"

The little boy snorted unconvinced: "When I become an adult, I can also lift you high!"

 Looking at it now, Ye Weiyi's heart is full of emotions.

 Sure enough, he did it.

This kind of boyfriend has the power to make a girl's heart explode!

 Accidentally, he was too proud, and Ye Weiwei forgot that he was in a school, and he was surrounded by...students!

 “Wow, that boy is so handsome!”

 “Oh my god, I have such a girlish heart.”

“Hey, are you boyfriend and girlfriend? You actually let someone sit on your shoulder, ahhh! I believe in love again!”

 Hands passed one by one, and their picture suddenly became more attention-grabbing than magic.

Luo Yuxi wanted to hold Ye Weiwei’s hand, but accidentally pulled the wrong person.

 When I turned around, I saw no one in sight. When I looked up... holy shit!

 "Qiaoqiao you you..."

Ye Weiyi, who was immersed in his own beautiful fantasy, finally woke up and found that he had been turned into a tourist attraction. He reached out and poked Ye Xichen, "Brother, let me down quickly."

Ye Xichen allows people to "land" safely.

I don’t know who took out their mobile phones and took pictures of them.

Although I don’t know what the boy wearing the mask looks like, looking at his figure and temperament, I think he is a handsome man!

 “Who is that person?”

“Isn’t that girl Qiao Ling? Is that guy Su Yichen?”

 “The height looks very similar…”

I don’t know who posted the picture on the forum, and it became the story of Ye Weiwei and Su Yichen.

 Suddenly, the trend in Tieba became: When I go back, I will ask the male vote to be raised high, and if I can’t lift it, we will break up!

 Next post: My daughter insists on raising her hand high, but if I don’t, she will break up with me.

 Reply: Hahaha, the original poster doesn’t recommend it!

 However, at this time, the hero and heroine holding high up were sitting in an elegant restaurant, with a fat girl next to them.

"I must be dreaming, I am eating at the same table as Ye Xichen!" Luo Yuxi felt like she was floating.

   Haha, no matter who is escorting Brother Chen in 3721, come to Qixi Festival to collect the red envelope.

From now on, if the man can’t hold him up, do you want him?



 (End of this chapter)

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