My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 391: Secretly raising a loli

Chapter 391 Secretly raising a loli

 Leng Ruxue touched the injury at the corner of her mouth and explained: "I was hit by something."

Leng Ruxue was with that man in the afternoon, but when she came back in the evening, she was injured. Judging from the bruises, it was obvious that she had been beaten...

  Ye Weiwei and Luo Yuxi looked at each other and knew she had lied.

Xia Xiyun asked the question just now. She didn't know anything about it, so she asked it frankly.

Ye Youwei can't do it, but it's not convenient for them to interfere in other people's affairs.

 But when Leng Ruxue put on makeup and went out, I couldn't help but look at her more.

Luo Yuxi's computer was buzzing. Ye Weiwei leaned over to take a look and found that she was playing an online game.

 The game is a female character, wearing white clothes, looking like a fairy.

 She pointed at the game character and said, "This character is so beautiful!"

"Isn't it beautiful? This ancient style game is very popular now, and the fan culture is also well done. I like it very much." Luo Yuxi couldn't stop talking and fed Ye Weiwei a wave of Amway.

 The only thing that could be heard in the night was Yun Liwu. Luo Yuxi searched for videos on Bilibili to show her and plot songs on Kugou for her to listen to.

 Hearing this, Ye Yiyi was really attracted to it!

Luo Yuxi struck while the iron was hot, "Qiao Qiao, come and play this too. Anyway, I see that you usually play games on your mobile phone, so why not try online games. I've been looking at Tieba and people say they play games with roommates, and I also want someone to accompany me. Play."

Ye Weiwei touched his chin, "It seems quite interesting."

 In this way, she was led into a new pit by Luo Yuxi.

This game is really good!

 The picture quality is conscientious and the characters are exquisitely done.

Luo Yuxi chose an adult girl, while Ye Weiwei simply chose a cute lolita.

Luo Yuxi’s occupation is to play the piano, and her only occupation is to dance with a fan~

 Wrong, she holds a sword.

Luo Yuxi is a veteran player who has been playing for three years. Ye Weiwei just joined the team and found a dozen teammates inside.

Someone in the team is asking: Whose trumpet is it?

Luo Yuxi replied: Don’t make trouble, my roommate is a newbie, everyone will take care of her from now on.

Ye Weiwei took a closer look and saw that Luo Yuxi's game character was named Luo Baiyuan.

 It still...fits her own image?

 “Luoluo, why do you want this ID?”

"Hehe, my parents often say that I am fat and white. I entered the game and randomly picked one. I can't call him Luo Bai fat, right?" Luo Yuxi didn't seem to feel inferior about being fat.

 This makes Ye Youyi happy, her friend is an open-minded and optimistic friend.

 Then she looked at her ID Chen Lingdang.

Luo Yuxi also asked, "Why are you called Chen Lingdang? The bell is pretty good, but adding the character "chen" is weird."

 “Hee hee, secret!”

Of course it’s because of Ye Xichen’s Chen and the little bell’s bell!

 In any case, Ye Weiyi started her game journey.

When she first entered the game, she had to upgrade. By upgrading the equipment for fighting monsters, her whole body looked shabby and she didn't feel cute at all...

“Wow, Luoluo, why is your character so beautiful? If I had known, I would have played as a woman.”

“No, look inside the mall, there are many beautiful ones. Especially Loli, it’s like planning your own daughter, every one of them is super beautiful.”

 Following Luo Yuxi’s guidance, Ye Weiwei opened the game mall.

 There are a lot of things inside, and the prices are...very expensive.

 A wig, a piece of clothing, and a gadget cost hundreds of dollars.

 “It’s so expensive.” I just feel that the game has a lot of data and it’s too expensive to spend money to occupy the land.

Luo Yuxi quietly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Boss Ye.

  Next, please watch Mr. Ye’s flirtatious performance

Brother Chen pampers his girlfriend, tsk tsk tsk, you will be amazed in the next chapter ~ I have a girlish heart



 (End of this chapter)

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