My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 394: It hurts, it hurts so much, brother

Chapter 394 It hurts, it hurts so much, brother

“Then what’s the benefit of me going to your room tonight?”

Leng Ruxue passed by and heard Ye Weiwei say: "Humph, you still have to wait for me in vain."

Leng Ruxue heard the girl's coquettishness, the dark color in her eyes deepened, and she left silently.

Ye Weiwei was completely unaware.

She just took advantage of today's game appearance to get bold and wanted to tease Ye Xichen. She didn't expect that she would be teased back!

 Leng Ruxue was putting on makeup in the afternoon, and saw Ye Weiwei also tinkering with it.

Ye Youwei is naturally beautiful, with a face so smooth that you can squeeze water out of it.

 But a woman wants to look more beautiful when she wants to meet the person she likes, right?

Luo Yuxi was playing games with snacks in her arms and asked casually: "Qiaoqiao, do you want to go out on a date?"

Ye Weiwei was drawing her eyebrows in front of the mirror, and while drawing, she replied, "Yes, yes, I won't be back tonight." "

 “Huh~” Ambiguous looks were cast from all directions.

Ye Ziwei didn't bother to explain.

 Pack up your things and go out happily.

Leng Ruxue followed closely behind and saw Ye Weiwei getting into a luxury car at the school gate.

 She clearly remembers that Ye Weiwei's parents seems...

 Leng Ruxue had some calculation in her heart.

 Ye Weiwei took out his mobile phone leisurely in the car and said, "Uncle driver, are you going home now?"

“Master Ye is still at the company and said he would be late.”

 “Ha, let’s go to his company then!”

“But miss, Mr. Ye asked me to take you home.”

“It’s okay, let’s go to the company and wait for him. Anyway, the driver uncle will take Brother Chen home soon.”


This is Ye Xichen's dedicated veteran driver. He deeply understands that the only lady is the most important, and the boss is second.

It has been more than three years since Ye Xichen started his own business. Their company has brought together many elites from the school who want to start their own business. Although it is a young team, its future development is immeasurable.

Ye Xichen is the main planner, but the vice president is Xu Tangxi.

This is the only thing that makes Ye very anxious, but she can't blame anything willfully, after all, her strength is there!

Ye Xichen's company is not big in scale, but it is definitely not small either.

Ye Weiwei did not receive any despised treatment at the front desk, because they were all lovely ladies!

However, they seemed unwilling to let her see Ye Xichen.

"There are often schoolmates who come to the company and want to see our Mr. Chen. They can do anything. We really can't just take you there."

Just when Ye Weiwei was debating whether to call Ye Xichen, Xu Tangxi happened to pass by.

"I know this person, let me take him with him." Unexpectedly, Xu Tangxi would take the initiative to say that he would take her.

 Ye Yiwei sincerely thanked him.

But after Xu Tangxi brought her in, he asked her to wait outside. "I'm afraid he won't be in the mood to talk about things once you come in. Please wait for a while, and I'll handle the business."

Xu Tangxi said a few words and then opened the door and went in. Ye Weiwei stood by the door and saw their tacit conversation. After that, they were reading some computer information. It couldn't be finished in a few words...

 “So annoying…”

  Pouting his lips and muttering softly, he glanced towards the wall.

 She didn’t notice that there was something pressed against the wall next to her. It was not a smooth surface. This collision...




Ye Xichen broke through the door and walked out.

Ye Weiyi held his forehead with tears in his eyes, "It hurts, it hurts so much, brother..."

  Hug my little bell OVO, why are you so cute and I want to throw you down?

Today is Friday, Qibao, are you going to have a day off?

1. Tomorrow night we will look at the weekly active list. The top three on the active list will be mailed physical gifts (handicrafts, snack gift packs, 2000 book coins, of your choice starting from the first place), and the top ten on the overall list will be rewarded with red envelopes~[ Rewards, messages, and recommendation votes will all increase the activity value]

2. Qibao who has reached 2,000 fan points [disciple], please privately poke the administrator in the book club group at the age of three and a half to join the welfare group. 520 Chinese Valentine's Day will send red envelopes in it. Which pair of cp's small theater do you want to see? Please leave it alone in the book review area Leave a message, I may write a few small theaters for Chinese Valentine's Day to satisfy your imagination~



 (End of this chapter)

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