My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 405: scandal exposed

Chapter 405 Scandal exposed

“Brother Chen, the Ye family caused the Qiao family to be ruined. You knew that Grandma Qiao came back to look for your granddaughter, but you deliberately let them miss it. Am I telling the truth about all these things?”

 Li Mo'er is very proud now.

 She couldn't wait to find Ye Xichen when she overheard the conversation between Ye Hantian and Madam Ye.

 And she only revealed a few key words, and Ye Xichen had to meet her.

Now, Li Moer stared with fascination at the elegant man sitting opposite him.

Ye Xichen is indeed excellent, with no flaws to be found.

“Brother Chen, it’s been a long time since we sat down to eat together. I remember you like this restaurant. I heard from Mother Ye that you like to eat...”

“I have no intention of talking to you, and I don’t care how you know certain things, but please remember to keep your mouth shut!”

"I, Brother Chen, I just want to find an excuse to see you. I don't mean to threaten you." Li Moer waved his hands quickly, and his expression of grievance and wanting to cry was indeed very real.

“I don’t care what you mean.” Ye Xichen picked up a glass of water gracefully, and then pressed it heavily on the table in front of Li Moer.

 Some water droplets seeped out, but they disappeared quickly.

He didn't need to be tactful at all, he just warned me directly, "Don't try to challenge me. The Ye family can support you, and they can throw you back at any time! The Li family won't dare to take in the daughter who was abandoned by the Ye family!"

Like water that has been spilled, it is difficult to collect it.

Li Moer sat there blankly, stunned for a long time.

What she thought was: Ye Xichen had long known that the Ye family had ruined the Qiao family, and had long known that Ye Weiwei was Grandma Qiao's granddaughter, but he didn't say anything. Now that things are going like this, Ye Xichen definitely wants to continue to hide Ye Weiyi's secrets.

At this time, she can use this as a blackmail.

"Don't you care about Ye Weiwei very much? If I tell her these things, the relationship between you will definitely be ruined!"

"You can try."

"I don't believe it! If you think it doesn't matter, you don't have to agree to come to the appointment, but since you are here, it means you are afraid!"

"No, I came here to ask you what you did on the day Mrs. Qiao had the accident."

Li Moer was asked this question unpreparedly. She was already unstable and had a guilty conscience, so she couldn't hide her expressions.

 She trembled, "I, I didn't feel well enough to sleep at home that day."

Ye Xichen glanced at her and said firmly: "Actually, you went to Qiao's house that day, and someone heard the sound of the bell."

Li Moer panicked and subconsciously retorted: "Bell? Isn't the bell the only one in the night? It's none of my business!"

Ye Xichen leaned back slightly, his eyes shrewd, "Oh, wouldn't a normal person's reaction be to wonder why there is a ringing sound?"

 So, he can conclude, "Li Mo'er, you lied."

Li Moer shook his head, stood up uneasily, and tried to counter-threat while mumbling, "I don't understand what you are talking about! Since Brother Chen, you think those things didn't matter at the beginning, then I will tell Ye Weiwei now. "

Ye Xichen just sat there quietly, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table, and said slowly: "I heard that Pei Yichen didn't believe that Mrs. Qiao fell accidentally, so she has been looking for the culprit. If your scandal Exposed…”

"You can not!"

 “Well, let’s make a deal.”

 (End of this chapter)

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