My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 407: online dating

Chapter 407 Online Dating

"Miss, according to the results of the investigation over the past few days, the lady did accidentally fall down the stairs."

Pei Yichen's words to Ye Weiwei left her speechless.

She couldn't identify Li Mo'er, and everything before was just based on guesswork.

Mrs. Qiao's condition is very stable, and there is no trace of the accident. Even though Ye Weiwei was reluctant to give up, she returned to school and continued classes under Ye Xichen's advice.

As soon as she returned to the dormitory, Luo Yuxi pulled her to sit down and gave her all her snacks, "Qiaoqiao, I've been so lonely these days when you're not around."

 “I’m back now, aren’t I?”

“But I can’t make up for the days I missed you!”

 “Luoluo, why don’t you just write a collection of love stories.”

The roommates burst into laughter.

 The only time Ye turned her head was when she met Leng Ruxue's gaze, and she moved away silently.

 She specially bought delicious food to share with her roommates. Xia Xiyun could never let go of her live broadcast, and praised the viewers, "Look, look at how nice my roommate is."

She heard Luo Yuxi put on her earphones and spoke again, and she couldn't help but asked casually: "Luoluo, you are playing games again."

 She was troubled by Luo Yuxi when she asked.

“Qiaoqiao will be online soon. Aren’t you at the max level now? I’ll take you through your daily routine. There will be gang activities tonight.”

"I do not want to play."

“Come and play, come and play, the gang will have an event tonight, and those who participate can draw a lottery and receive a look or a mount! I know you don’t care about it, so please help me.”

Luo Yuxi seemed to want those things very much. Ye Weiyi couldn't bear to refuse, so she turned on the computer and went online.

 Go online to form a team, there are exactly 25 people in the team.

 The lottery was to grab a seat in YY. She had no choice but to go to YY. There was a host there, so it was not a mess.

 Listen YY, there are also screenshots in the game.

Perhaps it’s because of her rich and wealthy outfit, that several people called her name: Rich woman, hug me!

 She simply changed her appearance into the most basic martial arts clothes.

There is a singing organization on YY, and the brothers and sisters on the mic have good voices. As the deputy leader, Luo Yuxi is naturally also very active.

Although Luo Yuxi is a little fatter, she has a beautiful voice. After singing a song, many people gave her flowers and praised her as a goddess.

Some people are curious about what Luo Yuxi looks like, and others answer that she must be a beautiful woman.

Luo Yuxi, in the eyes of those on the Internet, should be a homesteader.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Luo Yuxi. Luo Yuxi was staring at the computer intently, chatting and typing, changing the topic.

She heard a boy with a nice voice on YY calling Luo Yuxi "Luoluo", and saw them in the game saying that Luo Yuxi and that boy were in love.

 Love=Love in the game

And Luo Yuxi’s game Qingyuan ID carries a sword and travels around the world. He is also the deputy gang leader of the gang. People in the game call him holding a sword.

The bench-grabbing activity started, and everyone was ready. Ye Weiwei accidentally grabbed the designated number and won the first prize.

 The host asked her whether she wanted an appearance or a mount.

 Ye Weiwei signaled to Luo Yuxi.

 Luo Yuxi said appearance is important.

Ye Ziyi typed a reply asking for appearance, but the host asked her to turn on the mic.

“This young lady’s ID sounds like a cute girl. Miss Lingdang is so lucky to win the first prize. Let’s talk to everyone about it.”

 Ye Weiyi did not expect the host to surprise him.

She gestured to Luo Yuxi, but Luo Yuxi also laughed loudly, "Qiaoqiao, please turn on the mic. It's not just talking, it's normal to talk. You won't lose a piece of meat."

Qixi Festival: Lianmai? I mute

About this game~ In fact, Qixi likes to play Swordsman Three, so I wrote this based on that, but after all, it’s not a fan game, so I won’t explain the game too clearly.



 (End of this chapter)

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