My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 413: Brother, I'm at the police station...

Chapter 413 Brother, I’m at the police station...

Leng Ruxue never thought that a man would fight for her.

Ye Weiwei also didn’t expect that one day she would go into the police station... to claim her senior brother!

 Jin Zhu couldn't defeat the senior brother, so he called the police.

Elder brother likes to act recklessly and is not good at verbal disputes. He was blocked by the funder in front of the police and could not refute, so he suffered a big loss.

When Ye Weiwei went to the police station to pick her up, she was told that she was underage and would not be allowed to pick her up at all.

 There was no other way, Ye could only think of Ye Xichen.

“Brother, I’m at the police station…”

 She just said that, and the matter became a big deal.

 Because the director personally took action and was respectful to Ye Youyi, this made Leng Ruxue and the funder stupid!

Ye Weiwei successfully led the people out, but Jin mainly took Leng Ruxue away.

“Leng Ruxue, you have to figure out who you should target!” The donor was threatening her mother again.

 Leng Ruxue sighed helplessly, "I understand."

She had to reject Ye Weiyi and her senior brother's kindness, "This is my own business, I don't need your intervention, thank you."

This feeling is that you do good things but others don’t appreciate it.

Of course, Ye Weiwei was unwilling to stick to him, and immediately wanted to pull his senior brother away.

The senior brother stubbornly wanted to take Leng Ruxue away.

Ye Weiwei sighed helplessly, "Elder brother, what are you doing, she doesn't appreciate it at all."

"Junior sister, I can see that she is not willing. She must have some difficulties. We must help."

It’s not that Ye Ziyi hasn’t thought about it, but every time she asks Leng Ruxue, Leng Ruxue is self-centered and unwilling to tell her pain.

She wasn't familiar with him either, so she couldn't afford to be hot-faced and cold-blooded.

But the senior brother is stubborn and insists on taking Leng Ruxue with him.

There was no other way, Ye Weiwei had no choice but to help, "Mr. Li, Xiaoxue is my roommate. We have to rush back to school. If you have anything, you can contact me later."

“You are that roommate, you look better in person than in the photos.”

Originally, the financial owner was attracted to Ye Weiwei when he saw her, but seeing that she was related to the director, he had not dared to tease the little fairy.

 At this moment, his true nature has finally been revealed!

However, Ye Ziwei was completely impatient.

  She and her senior brother looked at each other in a tacit understanding, each of them dealt with one of them, and took Leng Ruxue away by force.

The financial owner was covering his legs from behind and screaming continuously.

 Leng Ruxue didn't say a word except thanking her.

 After sending the two girls back to school, the eldest brother suddenly said that he would stay in G city in the near future.

Yeyiyi is of course happy.

Yeyiyi is of course happy.

 Leng Ruxue was in a daze, "Thank you for helping me."

“You do have to thank me, but you should thank my senior brother even more, because he insisted on saving you!”

"Yes, I should thank him." But she didn't know how to thank that kind man. She always felt that facing such a sincere heart would make her look dirtier.

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but ask her for the third time, "So, why on earth would you do that kind of thing!" I

 Leng Ruxue silent.

 “Huh.” Ye Weiyi really felt that everything he did was in vain.

 But at this moment, Leng Ruxue suddenly answered her with three words, "Because of money."

“Money is all about money. Isn’t it better for you to earn it by your own ability?”

“Young ladies with status like you don’t need to worry about money at all, but my mother is in the hospital and needs expensive medical bills. What can I do!”

“I’m sorry, I should control my emotions, this is my business, no one can help me.”

 “What if I can help?”

  Thanks to Tingyu Xunsheng for the reward~

Everyone, please pay attention to tomorrow’s update, the reward list will be announced.



 (End of this chapter)

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