My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 417: Twenty-four filial piety to husband

Chapter 417: Twenty-Four Filial Piety to Husband

"I, I, I... I heard it wrong." Ye Weiyi covered her mouth in surprise, unable to believe what her ears heard.

Ye Xichen touched her head but gave no further explanation.

“Okay, now is it time to go down and study the pile of ingredients you bought?”

 “Hey, brother, how do you know?”

Ye Xichen shrugged, "There are a bunch of them in the living room. I have very good eyesight."

Ye Weiwei touched the bridge of his nose guiltily.

She was busy hiding things just now, so she put the dishes in the living room. Ye Xichen would pass by when he came back, so it was inevitable that he would see her.

  Thinking of the special temptation of being hidden, the blush on Ye Weiyi's face couldn't go away.

She used the excuse of cooking to push Ye Xichen out.

Ye Xichen followed her and seemed to have forgotten what he wanted to investigate just now.

This time the two of them cooked together, but the only one who did the cooking was Ye Ye.

Ye Weiwei was very curious, "Brother Chen, how did you learn it in the first place? I remember you didn't have any cooking courses."

Ye Xichen is a typical child from other families, capable of all decathlons, and had nothing but various studies in his childhood.

But Ye Weiyi clearly remembered that Madam Ye did not arrange cooking lessons for Ye Xichen!

“I wonder which kitten is greedy and insists on asking me for it?”

The meaning behind those words is very clear - her?

 Ye Youwei blinked, "Isn't it me who did something?"

 “You really don’t remember?”

Ye Weiwei shook his head, and then shook his head.

Ye Xichen raised his hand and hit her head directly.

 When Ye Weiwei was first adopted into Ye's family, she was very scared and shy. Even though she was called Miss Ye, she still didn't dare to do whatever she wanted in Ye's house. Even if she was hungry and wanted to eat in the middle of the night, she was embarrassed to call someone.

  Children are not allowed to eat snacks in Yejia. Yewei was so hungry that he ran to the refrigerator to look for it.

Yejia also cleans up the refrigerator every night and buys new things in the morning. There is nothing to fill her stomach except milk.

So Xiao Weiwei ran to the kitchen, but how could there be leftovers in Yejia?

During that time, she couldn't fall asleep on time and would get hungry in the middle of the night. Xiao Weiwei didn't dare to say she was hungry, and was finally discovered by Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen asked the chef to make her a midnight snack, but Ye Weiwei pulled him and refused to go, "No, no, the little bell won't cause any trouble."

  She had heard some servants in the Ye family say that she was a troublesome person who had been picked up, so she was very sensitive to those things.

Of course Ye Xichen was not willing to make her hungry, so she still called the chef.

Seeing that the little girl was very reserved, he began to take time out to learn how to make cakes and other things. He would prepare them for her every day and change her schedule.

 Later, she would not be hungry until midnight, and his cooking skills became more and more sophisticated.

Hearing a few key reminders from Ye Xichen, Ye Weiwei had already connected the original memories together.

 She turned her head to the side and laughed secretly.

From the moment she fell into the water at Ye's house and was rescued by him, from the moment she threw herself into Ye Xichen's arms and called her brother to hug her, Ye Xichen has always been very good to her.

 She will never meet such a good person in her life.

  A "dong" sound interrupted her train of thought.

 “It seems to be your mobile phone.”

 “Well, help me take a look.”

Ye Xichen has already started work, and his hands must not be empty.

 Ye Weiwei quickly washed his hands twice and picked up his mobile phone. There was a message prompt on the screen.

 Press your thumb to unlock. When you open it, you will see a number without notes.

“Brother Chen, Pei Yichen is still investigating Mrs. Qiao’s affairs! What should we do next?”

 Signature: Moer

Brother Chen is a good man who has developed into a filial husband since childhood~520 Happy, are you single today?



 (End of this chapter)

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