My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 427: What happened in the private room

Chapter 427 What happened in the private room

 “What is it?” All the students concentrated their attention and wanted to hear the truth.

Luo Yuxi took a deep breath, and her serious expression just now suddenly turned into a silly smile, "Of course it's the relationship between the senior and the junior girl!"


 No one is counting on them anymore, and they are all discussing it in the campus forum.

Luo Yuxi looked at the Tieba and sighed. It seemed that the relationship between Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi could no longer be hidden.


 Ye Zihan and Xia Moying were taken to the theme private room again, still in the same location as last time.

Last time they wanted to set up Ye Weiwei here, but this time someone else really threatened her!

 Because they received a direct warning from Ye Weiyi, saying that the video of that day was already in Ye Weiyi's hands, and if he didn't come, it would be released directly to the public.

Xia Moying didn’t believe it at first, but when they went back to look at the swimming pool, they found that there was indeed a camera.

 If this matter comes to light, they will be doomed at school!

They couldn't afford to risk their reputation, so they had no choice but to accept Ye Youwei's threat.

 “Qiao Li, we are here, hand over the video!”

The two went in hand in hand and saw Ye Weiwei sitting on the sofa.

 She is the only one.

Hearing the movement, Ye Weiwei didn't even raise his eyelids.

  "You are so arrogant now that the situation is in my hands?"

 She slowly picked up her fork and took out the diced fruit from the fruit plate and ate it with a calm mind.

But Xia Moying was very anxious, "Qiao Li, just say what you want! Stop pretending."

Ye Weiwei placed the fork in his hand on the edge of the fruit plate, crossed his hands and turned to look at her, "Xia Moying, I just want to know why you and Ye Zihan are against me?"

Xia Moying retorted hastily, "Whoever went against you! It was an accident!"

Ye Weiwei chuckled, obviously not believing it.

"Accident? You two accidentally pushed me into the swimming pool? If it was just an accident, why didn't you dare to let me release the video to the public?"

"This, this..." Xia Moying was speechless for a moment and pushed Ye Zihan with her hand.

Ye Zihan stepped forward and said bravely: "It will definitely have a bad impact if this kind of video is posted. Of course we can't let you post it."

"Is that so? But that's not what I saw in the video. You two have nothing to do with this matter. If I hand it over...even if your father is related to Xia Moying, I can't convince the public, right?"

Xia Moying panicked instantly when her name was called.

Even though her father is one of the directors of the school, if this kind of thing gets out, he will definitely think that she has brought shame to the family and will beat her to death!

Xia Moying hurriedly threw the pot to Ye Zihan, "Qiao Li! Let me tell you first, this was Ye Zihan's idea, don't blame me."

 Ye Zihan looked only at Ye Zihan.

 Seeing that she had been betrayed, Ye Zihan was unwilling to take the blame, "It was Xia Moying who pushed you!"

The two of them glared at each other, and then asked Ye Weiwei, "What are you going to do before you hand over the video?"

Ye Weiwei stood up and felt that these two people were particularly fun.

She suggested: "Why don't we play a game? When you see me in school, you must respect me."

"What do you mean?"

“Just a brief explanation, you two will be my little followers from now on.”

 “Don’t even think about it!” Xia Moying turned her face away angrily.

Ye Weiwei shrugged casually, "Then I have no choice but to hand over the evidence."

 “Don’t! We just agree.”

 “Where’s the video?”

Facing questioning, Ye Weiwei held up a recording pen and said, "There is no video, but there is evidence."

Mental torture is far more cruel than physical torture



 (End of this chapter)

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