My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 434: Qiaoqiao becomes a fat girl

 Chapter 434 Qiaoqiao becomes a fat girl

  Ye Weiwei was pulled to table No. 12 with an expressionless face.

  When everyone in the gang looked up at this girl with two extremes of fat and thin, they were so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

The gang leader is unattractive, but he seems easy to get along with.

As the leader, the gang leader first asked: "Who are the two beauties?"

Although they are all called beauties, anyone with a discerning eye will know that there is only one who can be considered a beauty.

 Ye Weiwei's expression was very stiff.

Luo Yuxi held her hand affectionately and pushed her quietly, "Qiaoqiao, please, just once."

Ye Weiwei sighed inwardly, his clever eyes rolled, and a bright smile appeared on his face, "Hello, I am Luo Baiyuan."

She wears pure white lantern long sleeves. The gentle pleats at the hem of the dress tighten her slender waist in layers. The elegant purple skirt on the lower body is covered with a layer of transparent white gauze.

She was clearly standing there, but she seemed to see a girl from a comic walking towards her. The light purple tassel hanging skirt was gathered around her waist. It was elegant but also playful and cute, showing off her perfect figure. .

Ye Youwei put on the most fake but polite gesture, but did not wait for those people to respond.

 A hint of impatience flashed through his eyes, and he added gently and politely, "This is the first time we meet, please take care of me."


I don’t know who was so stunned that he accidentally knocked over the water glass in his hand and disturbed everyone.

 “Oh my God!” When she introduced herself, everyone in the gang was stunned.

 “She is really a goddess.”

The slightly chubby boy was very active. He cleverly took a photo of the night with his mobile phone and posted it in the group. This is the kind of natural fairy with 360 degrees of no blind spots.

The gang members went crazy when they saw the photo, "If I had known there was such a beautiful girl, I would have taken the train for three days and three nights to get there!"

 Of course, this is an exaggeration.

 Everyone teased him, "This is the goddess Luoluo, whom I have a romantic relationship with."

However, when the only photo of Ye and the photo of him holding a sword are put together, it feels like the man is not enough.

Helping the host, he stretched out a hand and said, "Sit down, sit down."

Knowing that Luo Baiyuan and Zhijian were in love, they specially left a place for Ye Weiwei to sit there.

Ye Weiwei glanced at the boy with a handsome face, and looked away emotionlessly. His eyes fell on a single seat, and he looked away calmly.

 She cast her eyes towards the late night sky and said, "Hello, can we sit together in the same seat? I want to be with my friends."

There is an empty seat next to Tian Sewan, and there is an empty seat next to Zhuo Jian. If Tian Sewan and Zhuo Jian sit together, there will be two empty seats.

As the saying goes, you can’t reach out to hit someone with a smiling face. Her attitude was so good that Tian Shiwan followed her suggestion and moved her position.

Hearing what she said, everyone's curiosity fell on Luo Yuxi, a fat girl who could not be ignored, and asked curiously: "Who is this?"

Ye Weiwei wanted to speak and pursed her lips.

Luo Yuxi hurriedly pulled her over to take her place, but did not tell her how to explain her identity.

Luo Yuxi coughed twice and pretended to be a familiar person, "Luo Luo is not good at communicating with people face to face. I am a familiar person. Please introduce me. I am Luo Luo's classmate. Let's join in the fun."

"How may I call you?"

 “Just call me...Qiaoqiao.”

Someone next to me immediately added: "Isn't Luoluo's roommate who plays games called Qiaoqiao?"

 (End of this chapter)

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