My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 439: Girl's concerns

Chapter 439 A girl’s worries

 She was the only one who went back to see Grandma Qiao that night.

Whether it is Ye Xichen or Li Moer, they will be very sensitive when it comes to Grandma Qiao.

 Ye Weiwei went to the hospital to stay by Grandma Qiao’s side and talked a lot.

Pei Yichen stood at the door and couldn't bear to be disturbed.

 He felt worthless for Mrs. Qiao!

I have been looking for my granddaughter for so long, but I have been doting on a fake one for two years. Now I finally found my real granddaughter, but she ended up in the hospital without even seeing her.

 His life has been spared, but the current situation... is hard to describe.

After Ye Weiwei came out, Pei Yichen even saw some tears in the corners of her eyes.

“The old lady is very happy to know that Miss Qiao and Miss Moer treat her sincerely.”

 “Li Mo’er? Why?”

“Miss Mo’er comes to the hospital to visit my wife almost every two or three days and is very concerned about her condition. This persistence is touching.”

Ye Weiwei always felt a little weird when he heard this, but he couldn't put it into words.

Pei Yichen treated her respectfully, "Miss, Mr. Qiao, who lives in country M, has come to visit Madam and expressed his respect for Madam's wish and allowed Madam to stay here."

This Mr. Qiao is talking about Mrs. Qiao’s current husband.

 “Grandma’s wish? What is it?”

“When the wife returned to China, she told the husband that she wanted to stay in S city to accompany her granddaughter. Therefore, even now, the husband is willing to respect the wife’s opinion and let her stay here. At least the lady can come back to visit often.”

 Hearing these words, Ye Youyi felt the deepest.

I once met Mrs. Qiao. When she talked about her granddaughter, the old man spoke with infinite joy.

"I believe grandma will get better! I will come back to visit her often."

“I know that you have filial piety, Miss, but Miss still focuses on her own affairs. I understand Madam, she must have such thoughts.”

 “My affairs...” Her affairs also revolve around the Qiao family.

"Mr. Pei, do Qiao and Ye still cooperate?"

Pei Yichen shook his head, "After my wife was hospitalized, Mr. Qiao slowly withdrew the funds."

This sentence clearly told her that Qiao and Yejia had severed their cooperative relationship.

 For a moment, Ye only didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad.

It shouldn't be involved with the Ye family, but if the Yu Ye family of the Qiao family continues to maintain a cooperative relationship, they can take the opportunity to reach out and find out what happened to the Qiao family back then.

 But now that the relationship has been severed, it is even harder to get close to him.

 “Miss, are you worried about something?”

"Why do you ask."

"Although I don't have much ability, I have accompanied Mr. and Mrs. to see all kinds of people. At your age, Miss, I still can't hide my thoughts." Pei Yichen said bluntly, "Miss, it seems that every time I see you, I think... What to say, but he hesitated, Pei was also confused, if you have anything you want to say, just tell me."

Pei Yichen is indeed quite capable at looking at people.

Ye Weiyi hesitated, looked back at Mrs. Qiao's hospital bed, and nodded to Pei Yichen.

 “Mr. Pei, I have something to ask of you.”

She confirmed from Uncle Luo that the Ye family harmed the Qiao family back then, and now grandma is like this. If she waits until she graduates and has the ability to find the truth, it will be too late!

 She already couldn't wait any longer.

Ye Weiwei cleverly relayed the accident to Pei Yichen, hoping that he could follow the information to find out what happened more than ten years ago.

Li Moer, who came to the hospital to inquire about Mrs. Qiao, hid at the door and listened carefully.

 (End of this chapter)

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