My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 447: private photos

Chapter 447 Private Photos

 The club night has finally arrived, and Ye Weiyi has to prepare for two games.

Luo Yuxi said: "Qiaoqiao, you look really good with makeup today. Stand there and let me take more photos for you."

First, there are modern dance costumes. The short sleeves that expose the navel are covered with sequins. Although this kind of clothes may make people feel tacky when worn normally, the effect of dancing on the stage is very good, and with the illumination of lights, it can Make the wonderful performances on the stage more vivid.

 In order to reflect the stage effect, the makeup was thicker than usual. The heavy colors took away from her fresh and elegant image of a little fairy, but the facial features outlined by the dark makeup, especially the black eyeliner on the ends of the eyes, were very distinctive.

 “The style is different from usual, and it’s also very exciting.”

Luo Yuxi took pictures of her with her mobile phone.

Ye Weiyi did not refuse, because she also wanted the photo, "Luoluo, please send the photo to me later, thank you."

 "No problem at all." Luo Yuxi gave her an "OK" gesture.

More than a dozen photos were taken in a short time. Looking at the perfectly enlarged photos, Luo Yuxi had to sigh that she was still photogenic because of her 360-degree angle and no blind spots!

“I will send you the WIFI when you get back to the dormitory.”

"OK, thanks."

 At the same place, Xia Xiyun also ran over with her skirt in hand.

 As for why she said she ran over with her skirt in hand?

 Because she wore a Lolita outfit on a whim today, and she suffered a lot in the crowded crowd.

Xia Xiyun held a SLR in his hand, rushed over and held Ye Weiwei down in place, "Qiaoqiao, don't move, I'll help you take the picture."

 Come on!

 I just took a few photos, and here is another one that is even more exciting.

“You are so beautifully dressed today. What are you doing?”

“Today can be regarded as a celebration for the whole school. Dress up nicely and it will be lively.”

 Societies nights are open to the whole school.

Each class will be assigned a viewing position, and the performers are not among them.

Luo Yuxi held her mobile phone, and people in the group urged her to send photos.

Luo Yuxi hesitated very much as she selected the photo she had just taken of Ye Youyi.

 In the end, he put his cell phone in his bag and pretended not to notice, and sat in the audience.

 The show was at halftime. Looking at the time, they were going to change clothes and prepare for the ancient dance.

 Luo Yuxi and Ye Yiyi were together.

 The meeting with the gang affected their relationship, but after this half month, Luo Yuxi felt that Ye Weiwei had forgiven herself.

  They groomed each other, and finally put pink flowers on their foreheads.

 “Come on and tie the pink ribbon yourself.”

Due to financial problems, they couldn't all buy hairpins as decorations, so they tied ribbons directly into bows in their hair.

 “Qiaoqiao, let’s take a photo.”


 It is rare to have a costume photoshoot, most people take selfies there or ask others to help them take photos.

 Ye Weiwei sent a selfie to Ye Xichen.

Luo Yuxi looked at her phone and sent a photo of Ye Weiwei in the gang group.

 Everyone praised him again.

Luo Yuxi felt guilty but satisfied.

Especially Qiu Yiyan sent her many compliments privately, which made her feel sweet.

Qiu Yiyan’s private chat: Luoluo, where are you now?

Luo Yuxi’s private chat: I’m waiting behind the stage.

Qiu Yiyan’s private chat: We have arrived at your school. Come out and meet us.

Luo Yuxi’s heart trembled: What do you mean?

Qiu Yiyan’s reply: We are here to cheer you on, right at your school.

Luo Yuxi almost broke the dancing fan!

 (End of this chapter)

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