My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 458: Ye Xichen smokes

Chapter 458 Ye Xichen smokes

Seeing Ye Youyi come out, Pei Yichen also came to greet him, "Miss, what you told me last time..."

Ye Weiwei raised his head and looked at Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen nodded.

Watching the two of them walking towards the corridor, Ye Xichen leaned against the door and suddenly turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

 He was in the corridor and lit a cigarette.

 Suddenly, another aunt who was sweeping the corridor appeared. She was surprised to see how handsome he was.

  While sweeping the floor, he muttered: "What a handsome young man, so young and less likely to smoke."

"In this hospital, we see a lot of patients with all kinds of diseases. Bad habits like drinking and smoking. We always wait until we get into the hospital and insist on changing them. But in the end, we end up smoking. "

This aunt should be an old man in the hospital.

Having seen all kinds of patients, I can also say a few words about life.

Ye Xichen stubbed out the cigarette **** and threw it into a specific trash can.

 He really shouldn't be smoking now.

If the little girl smells smoke when she comes back later, he doesn't know how to explain it.

 The only place at night is this side.

Pei Yichen found a lot of clues.

“Some time ago, a man named Zhao Qing appeared looking for Ye Hantian, but he disappeared soon.”

Zhao Qing took the risk and showed up at Ye Hantian's company. At that time, Pei Yichen went to investigate and bumped into him.

 But because the timing was wrong, after further investigation, I found that Zhao Qing was as slippery as a loach, and he let him run away if he wasn't paying attention.

 “I remember this person, you mentioned him last time.”

"Yes, we are still tracking down the information about that person, but the name Zhao Qing is too common. Searching based on the name alone is like finding a needle in a haystack."

“What about certain consumption records? For example, airplanes? Trains? Can the records of his entry and exit be narrowed down to nothing?”

Pei Yichen nodded, "It's strange that he has no consumption records or other certificate usage records in this city."

 “Is it possible it’s a fake identity?”

 “This possibility cannot be ruled out.”

"That would be bad... keep an eye on Ye Hantian, I think since that person appears once, there will be a second time."


 Ye Weiwei put his things away and stuffed them into his schoolbag.

“Assistant Pei, thank you very much!”

"Miss, you're welcome, this is all what I should do." He was loyal to Mrs. Qiao, and since it was about the Qiao family, he would naturally do his best.

Ye Weiwei smiled slightly and thanked her sincerely again, "Thank you, I'll go back first."


Pei Yichen suddenly called her to stop.

“Miss, please forgive me for being blunt, the grievances in your family are related to the Ye family, but now you have a close relationship with the eldest young master of the Ye family, this matter..."

"Assistant Pei, I will avenge my parents, but I also know clearly that Ye Xichen has never been sorry to me, and I will not implicate the grudges of the previous generation on him."

Ye Xichen is... the person she has always liked.

 “Okay, I understand.”

Hearing what Ye Weiwei said, Pei Yichen didn't dwell on it anymore.

 When Ye Youyi went back, he still saw Ye Xichen leaning against the door.

As soon as she walked over, she saw the nurse who had wiped the old lady's body coming out with water.

The nurse thought of the marks on Mrs. Qiao's body and hesitated.

She is in charge of this patient. If she talks nonsense now that the situation is unclear, she is afraid that the patient's family will put the blame on her.

 But the patient’s body is also important…

 “Ms. Qiao, I want to tell you something about the old lady...”

 (End of this chapter)

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