My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 461: Do you really love her?

Chapter 461 Do you really love her?

“Ye Xichen, are you crazy! Why are 70% of the equity of this company in Qiao Li’s name!”

In the office, Xu Tangxi angrily threw a heavy Wenjia copy on Ye Xichen's desk.

 She would never do such a rude thing, even to this day...

 She really couldn’t calm herself down!

The company they worked so hard to build since their freshman year has now fallen to a person who had no involvement. How could this make her calm down?

“Xu Tangxi, I hope you can understand that those shares were originally mine.”

"Yes, none of us have any objection to your equity. After all, everything you have done for this company is seen by everyone. The company's current achievements are enough to prove that your efforts have not been in vain. It is on the right track and has developed very fast." Qiang, no one can deny your hard work."

Everyone knows what Ye Xichen has done in the past three years. He provided funds, manpower, and worked tirelessly to revise the plan in the early stages of his business...

 No one will say that he is not doing well.

Ye Xichen is in control of this company, enough to make everyone surrender!

The same goes for wrapping Xu Tangxi.

 However, in this matter, Ye Xichen transferred all the shares to Qiao Lian?

 This is something Xu Tangxi absolutely cannot bear.

   Xu Tangxi would not accept it either in public or private matters.

"She's just a little girl. What does she know? Does she understand how much effort it took us to create this company?" Xu Tangxi slapped his desk with an angry face, "Ye Xichen, are you here now?" Do you treat the company as a child’s play?”

However, Ye Xichen was as steady as a rock from beginning to end.

 He explained calmly, “Transferring it to Qiao Lian does not mean that I am giving up the company.”

"Then why did you give it to her?" Xu Tangxi frowned, and a strange thought came to his mind, "Did she ask you for it?"

"Xu Tangxi! There is no need to make wild guesses, this is just a gift I want to give her." Ye Xichen said it lightly, and "a gift" reduced all the hard work of the past three years.

 Perhaps Tangxi is unwilling to give in!

Even if the survival of this company was Ye Xichen's decision, when she knew it would be handed over to Qiao Lian, she just couldn't give it in!

"What you are doing is unfair to us! We are also shareholders, and we don't agree! Ye Xichen, are you so generous and giving away your hard work to others? I don't believe it!"

Xu Tangxi, as a rational woman living in a big family, does not believe that there are still people who do not value interests.

 However, Ye Xichen noticed that he was an exception.

"Nothing in the world is so fair. This company has been a gift I prepared for her from beginning to end. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have put so much thought into it."

 “A gift?”

 Ye Xichen still felt sorry for Ye Weiwei.

  Could it be... could it be Ye Xichen's only compensation for Ye?

"Ye Xichen, do you love her? Just because of the grudge between your Ye family and Qiao family, everything you do is to make up for it, right?"

"what do you know!"

"I heard all the conversations you had with Gu Xicheng at his house. You said that the Ye family harmed her parents, and everything you did was to compensate, right?"


The pen in Ye Xichen's hand was thrown out and fell to the ground. The cap fell off and thick black ink spilled out.

“Xu Tangxi, you are taking too much care.”

 (End of this chapter)

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