My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 466: I just want you to be my girlfriend

Chapter 466 I just want you to be my girlfriend

 The atmosphere suddenly froze because of Nangong Luo's words of "confession".

"You? Want to be with me? Are you dating?"

Gong Qianli felt scared just thinking about it. She shook her head and walked forward.

"Don't be ridiculous. We are dating each other. We are still in the same relationship..." They were so familiar that even if everyone thought they should be together, she didn't believe them.

Nangong Luo caught up with her and analyzed the situation with her, "You said it yourself, you don't want to fall in love, and I just lack a girlfriend. We are so familiar with each other. You don't have to get to know others, and I don't have to spend time to go there again." Meet one."

 After finishing speaking, he emphasized, "Besides, if I find a girlfriend, I won't be able to help you block your love. My girlfriend will be jealous."

Gong Qianli was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "Wow, Nangong Luo, I didn't know until today that you value **** over friends!"

Nangong Luo seriously stated to her, "How can I be called a person who values ​​sex over friends? I am solely responsible for my girlfriend and cannot make her jealous. Even if we are friends, we have to keep a distance."

Gong Qianli nodded in agreement, "You are right, people in love are possessive. If you really like someone, you can't help but be jealous."

 Based on the analysis of the situation between Ye Xichen and Ye Youyi, Gong Qianli knows how scary jealous people are.

Nangong Luo struck while the iron was hot and continued to ignore her, "Look, you think so too, so it's the best choice for the two of us to make do."


Gong Qianli directly rejected his proposal.

 “No, we can’t make do.”

Not only that, she also vowed, "Don't worry, if you have a girlfriend, tell me and I will definitely refuse you. I am a person with high emotional intelligence and will not do that kind of thing that makes you It’s about my girlfriend’s bad feelings.”

Gong Qianli explained a lot, leaving Nangong Luo speechless.

 The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere was suddenly a little ambiguous.

Nangong Luo put his handsome face close to his and asked, "What if I just want you to be my girlfriend?"

Gong Qianli's face suddenly became stiff.

 “Don’t make trouble, you are not my type.”

 At this point, she had already turned away her eyes, not daring to look at Nangong Luo again.

Nangong Luo narrowed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a teasing smile appeared on his face, "Haha, Gong Qianli, why are you so serious? I was just joking."

Gong Qianli suddenly realized that she had been deceived and almost slapped him in the face.

“Hmph! You are pretty good at pretending, you are so serious, you almost scared me!”

Nangong Luo retorted without fear of death, "It's not that you are too arrogant every day, I can't stand it, and I want to scare you."

 “What the hell!!”

Gong Qianli couldn't help but clenched her fists.

At the same time, Nangong Luo made a pressing motion with his raised palm, signaling her to calm down.

 “Image, image.”

 “OK, good luck to you.”

Gong Qianli gritted her teeth and took it as a warning.

Nangong Luo shook his head helplessly and followed her hard, with unconcealed doting and... joy in his eyes.

They found the class where she attended based on the only information she had received the night before.

The two of them stood at the window and looked at each other for a few times, but it happened that Ye Weiwei was sitting on the edge of the wall and his sight was blocked.

Gong Qianli pushed the back door there and found that it was ajar.

She stretched out her hand to push, and as soon as Nangong Luo walked over, the two of them didn't pay attention to their steps, and they both broke into the only class that night!

  These two are so funny!



 (End of this chapter)

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