My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 468: Forced kiss

Chapter 468 Forced kiss

“You’re a man and you smile so happily, you’re not gay, are you?” Gong Qianli winked at him with an ambiguous look.

Nangong Luo suddenly turned his head and kissed her cheek.

 Gong Qianli's inner thoughts at that time...

 “What the **** are you kissing me for?”

 “Prove that I’m not the GAY you say I am.”

“You!” Gong Qianli wiped her face with her hands and scolded her, “If you weren’t Nangong Luo, I would have swollen your mouth today!”

Nangong Luo leaned over with a smile, "What, can I kiss you casually?"

Gong Qianli slapped him on the face smoothly. The force was not strong, but her tone was very serious, "What a beautiful idea! Get out! If you do it next time, I will destroy you."

“Princess Liuli, it’s not that serious, I’m so scared.” Nangong Luo pretended to be scared, holding his arms with a rich expression on his face.

Gong Qianli raised her fist to scare him, "Try being kissed by someone you don't like. How does it feel?"

"Okay, okay, no kiss, no kiss." Nangong Luo waved his hand and shook his head casually, turned around and walked down the stairs, as if he didn't care about what just happened.

 But no one saw that the stars in his eyes dimmed when he turned around.

Gong Qianli followed him down the stairs and patted his back, "By the way, which man needs us to pick him up?"

 “My only sister’s elder brother.”

After saying this, Gong Qianli immediately reacted, "Oh, oh, that's the tall and mighty man, right?"

Nangong Luo emphasized, “My name is Gao Mengnan.”

 “Okay, I have eight-pack abs and a good figure.”

 “Hey, I have six-pack abs too.”

"You..." Gong Qianli glanced at him, as if she didn't believe it, "With your small body, you look like a pretty boy."

"How are you talking? I'll let you count when you get back and watch carefully!"

“But pull it off, I’ve never seen you naked, you’re so ugly.”

Gong Qianli snorted, said a few words of disdain, and then turned around arrogantly.

Hearing that the man behind her looked like he was going crazy, she laughed so hard.

 Actually, she lied about one thing. Nangong Luona is really skinny in clothes and slim in clothes. She has six-pack abs and is quite good-looking~

But she won’t say it out loud and let that guy Nangong Luo yell!

Ye Weiyi said, I don’t know why, even though everyone knows the location of her birthday party, they still want to run to school?

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo met their senior brother at the school gate.

The combination of these three people is even more bizarre...

 Just go to the car more often so that you won’t be watched by people.

The reason why the senior brother is called the senior brother is because he is powerful. The two "slim" figures of Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli are simply not good enough in front of him.

“Senior Brother, have you become stronger recently?”

 “That’s right, I’m practicing my muscles every day.”

As he spoke, the senior brother raised his hand to show them, with a rich expression on his face.

Gong Qianli and Nangong Luo applauded him enthusiastically.

“Awesome, great brother, where have you been competing recently?”

 “Just came back from abroad.”

“Sir, are you willing to be a bodyguard? The kind with a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan?”

 “Don’t do it!”

“Elder brother is just an elder brother, he has backbone!” Gong Qianli immediately gave a thumbs up and praised him.

Nangong Luo miraculously took out two lollipops and said, "Elder brother, this is to honor you."

I saw the senior brother who was serious and fierce just now turned into a little cat and held a lollipop to say thank you. That smile was amazing!

 “They’re coming out!”

Gong Qianli looked at the messages on her phone and said something.

The senior brother immediately put the lollipop away.

   I like little brother Nangong



 (End of this chapter)

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