My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 476: Several cuts were made on the face

Chapter 476: Several stabs on the face

Elder brother was obedient and opened Ye Weiwei's gift box.

 Seeing the small square bags inside, the simple senior brother asked straightforwardly: "What are these?"

Just when he was about to reach out and take it out, Ye Youyi rushed over and snatched the box from his hand, guarding it tightly, "This is my gift, senior brother, you can't tell others!"

Looking at Senior Brother's dumbfounded look, Ye Weiwei deliberately added a threat, "Senior Brother, if you tell me, I will be very angry!"

“Little junior sister, if it’s your birthday, I definitely won’t tell you.”

Even though the senior brother may look fierce because of his tall appearance, he is actually very simple-minded and loves this little junior sister who looks petite and weak.

 After all, these two people have done a lot of bad things behind Master Shirley's back.

For example, Ye's only training condition was not in the right state, and it was her senior brother who helped her cover it up.

For example, when senior brother secretly ate lollipops, Ye was the only one who helped him hide it.

Furthermore, the senior brother keeps his word, and he will definitely not talk too much about what he promises.

Ye Ziwei vigilantly changed to a good cabinet and stuffed the gift box into it without showing it to anyone.

 After the farce was over, some people stared with big eyes. It was not boring, but they were all curious, who are they waiting for?

Ye Weiwei didn't know why Ye Xichen hadn't come yet, so he simply asked everyone to move to the other corner.

 “You go and sing.”

The entertainment facilities here are comprehensive, and there is also a place for karaoke.

Mai Ba Xia Xiyun was the first to rush forward, and Han Xingye even offered to accompany her.

Xia Xiyun was happy and nervous at the same time.

“Since today is Qiaoqiao’s birthday, I will sing a happy birthday song to you!”

 “Great!” Gong Qianli was the first to applaud.

 They are the two girls who can liven up the atmosphere most here, and each one is more crazy than the other.

 “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~”

When Xia Xiyun sang a song, her voice seemed to have changed. It was no longer so immature, and the cute **** tone miraculously turned into a sweet girlish voice.

 A simple happy birthday song stirred up the atmosphere.

While everyone was having fun, the waiter brought another, three people came in one after another.

“Miss Qiao, these three people say they are your friends.”

 They are still two men and one woman who are relatively unfamiliar to everyone!

The music continued, but everyone's attention was diverted to the tall and thin man who had just entered the door.

 They are waiting for thousands of people, but there is still one person missing?

 Why are three more coming?

Moreover, these three people look ordinary and there is nothing special about them...

Qiu Yiyan is pretty good-looking, but when you look at the good looks of Nangong Luo, Gu Chengxi, Su Yichen and Han Xingye, they seem to be lackluster.

 Xiang Yu needless to say, just ordinary.

 It was alright that it was late, but she had an Internet-famous face, and she didn’t even know how many times she had been stabbed on her face, so she didn’t look natural enough.

 Ye Weiwei has not lost his memory yet, so he naturally recognizes them.

 As the host, Ye's only generous gesture of courtesy was, "Please come in."

When they were the ones coming in, Ye Weiwei turned around and saw Luo Yuxi's panic expression.

 You don’t need to guess to know that it was her.


 “Uh…how many gang friends did you meet when you were playing games?” This blunt explanation was barely understandable.

Luo Yuxi actually stood up at this moment, "I'm sorry Qiao Qiao, I accidentally let something slip."

 (End of this chapter)

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