My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 482: He likes her and she likes "him"

Chapter 482 He likes her, and she likes "him"

Nangong Luo spoke into the microphone, and everyone in the hall could hear him clearly.

His eyes fell directly on Gong Qianli, and the meaning was self-evident.

But just then, Luo Yuxi bumped into a water glass while walking, and hit it squarely at Gu Chengxi's feet.

Gong Qianli's attention was attracted, and she quickly pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Gu Chengxi, "Wipe it with paper."

“Thank you.” He took the tissue handed over by Gong Qianli.

Although Gu Chengxi was indifferent, he did not reject Gong Qianli's kindness.

After all, as a germaphobe, he cannot tolerate water droplets staying on the smooth uppers!

Gong Qianli stood next to Gu Chengxi, looking down at his elegant movements even when he was shining shoes, with an unconcealable smile on his face.

What kind of shyness is there for a young girl to feel pregnant with her child?

Nangong Luo has known Gong Qianli for many years. He has seen her actions and changes in expressions, and almost understands her heart...

The fire that was ignited by the enthusiasm in my heart seemed to be washed away by the neighboring water at once.

“Nangong Luo, what did you just say to us? Keep going!”

Xia Xiyun, who loves to join in the fun, drew everyone's attention back with one sentence.

 When Gong Qianli turned around.

Nangong Luo looked away at that moment.

He faced everyone with a smile, and the image of the sunshine boy was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, "I just want to say, it's sister Qiaoqiao's birthday, and the wealthy brother Chen is treating me. Let's have fun today and eat as much as we can! I thought of a game, let's play together How about participating!”


  A joke can keep a matter of concern deep in one's heart.

They had a great time, and they were fined with alcohol if they lost. Even Qiu Yiyan and the others joined in.

Gong Qianli was unlucky today. She lost several games in a row and refused to admit it. She even drank ten drinks in a row.

Xia Xiyun loves to play and has a poor drinking tolerance. Her cheeks turned red after just two glasses of wine.

 Shen Nian'an definitely won tonight, and he didn't even drink a glass of wine.

 Meng Ze took the initiative to quit the game and said a few words in Shen Nian'an's ear, probably telling her to stop playing.

“Stop playing, Gong Qianli is almost the only one losing tonight. Girls can’t stand it after drinking too much.”

 Shen Nian'an smiled bitterly in his heart when he heard Meng Ze's words.

“They want to play, I can stop at any time, right?”

 When women compete, it may be more terrifying than men.

Xia Xiyun smiled at Gong Qianli, "Liu Li, you are so stupid, haha, you always lose!"

Gong Qianli was stunned and refused to admit defeat, "Go away, go away, sister is going to kill everyone tonight! I will never admit defeat!"

Nangong Luo took the initiative to help Gong Qianli drink, but she was so stubborn that she would take it back and drink it herself.

 The same goes for Xia Xiyun.

Now Nangong Luo and Han Xingye didn't dare to let them go to pieces anymore, and each of them took away the other.

Gong Qianli still shouted to continue, but Nangong Luo dragged her away directly, "This **** is drunk, I will send her back to the hotel first."

Leng Ruxue, who was not used to the lively environment, offered to take Xia Xiyun back to the dormitory, and of course Han Xingye had to accompany him.

Elder brother raised his hand and said, "I will protect you when you go back!"

Yu Anran, the calmest person in the room, also stood up and said goodbye to Ye Weiyi in person, "Come out tomorrow and treat you to tea."

“Okay~ tell me when you get back.”

Hearing her soft voice of concern, a rare smile appeared on Yu Anran's face, "I won't get lost."

Bingshan Gu Chengxi also came over.

He met Ye Xichen's eyes, and finally passed by Ye Weiwei.

“I heard from Gu Li that he sent a box of condoms. I wish you a good night!”

  Do you not love me anymore?

Review a message Recommended ticket, I can’t see them so sad QAQ



 (End of this chapter)

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