My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 489: The first encounter between Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye

Chapter 489 The first encounter between Xia Xiyun and Han Xingye

He still remembered that it was winter, and a girl came to him holding an umbrella in the snow, and said a very warm word to him: "Do you want to go together? You must take good care of your guitar."

He still remembered that soft and sweet voice, which seemed to warm the wind and snow.

At that time, there were internal conflicts within MG and various rumors spread that were not conducive to the team. I don’t know why one of the drummers was addicted to drugs. When the news was found out, their reputation as MG was tarnished.

Several teenagers who originally had high hopes were trampled on in an instant. Some people even deliberately posted photos on the Internet, taking the opportunity to add insult to injury.

 They are a team, both prosper and lose.

 Because the rumors in the circle had a great influence, MG had to disband the group.

 No one dares to take over these scattered members. Even if they have strength and talent that surpass others, they are still abandoned.

 The number of fans who supported him in the past gradually decreased. Those who were willing to stay shouted support and belief at first, but were later defeated by messages.

With the dispersion of MG, he left the public eye and found no way out. Even his family thought he was embarrassed and forbade him from becoming a singer while playing guitar.

He refused to admit defeat, looking for various opportunities, and even contacted all the music companies that he had previously disdained. However, the situation had changed, and the companies that he had disdained before now despised him.

  The former high-flying guitar prince Han Xingye was defeated by reality, and his glory in the circle was submerged.

 Because of his unwillingness to give up, his parents cruelly locked him at home for two whole months, asking him to give up the guitar and go back to school.

His father broke a piano string in front of him and slapped him hard in the face, "You are no longer that genius boy! Stop dreaming about your stardom, no one will support you now!"

The mother looked on and cried, but she also insisted on what the father said, "My child, it is impossible for you to return to the music altar. We supported your dream at the beginning, but now... the dream has been shattered. It is time for you to return to a normal life. "

 The life of a normal person is to be a good student and go to school, studying for the college entrance examination and university day after day.

 Look for a job after you get out, or accept your father's company.

He stayed quiet at home for a few months, and the turmoil on the Internet gradually calmed down. There was no more dirt on his head, and no one supported him anymore.

 At that time, he realized that even his father's company was affected because of his affairs.

 He finally chose to obey.

 Leave S city as arranged by my mother and go to a high school with a good academic atmosphere.

 He didn’t touch the guitar again in those months.

Han Xingye, who was once regarded as a talented boy, dared not touch his favorite guitar again!

That winter, he was walking on the street and saw people under the overpass making money by singing and playing guitar.

He stood there and found a guitar with broken strings.

 By some strange coincidence, he bought the guitar at a high price.

It snowed heavily in the sky, and the buskers under the overpass packed up their things and left in a hurry.

 And he didn’t even have a piano bag.

In the heavy snow, he stood under the overpass holding his guitar with broken strings.

 Looking at a girl walking slowly in front of her, she was wearing fluffy earmuffs on her head, wearing fluffy clothes, and even the snow boots on the soles of her feet had small fur **** dangling from them.

 The whole person looks very warm.

 She did not rush past like other pedestrians, but stopped in front of him with an umbrella.

 “Want to go together? You must take good care of your guitar.”

Regarding the character of Xia Xiyun, I did not write that she is soft and good at everything from the beginning. She has a little vanity and a little selfishness, but she also has the beauty that she likes.



 (End of this chapter)

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