My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 491: Drinking

Chapter 491 Drinking

 In the middle of the night, Ye Weiwei began to feel very thirsty while sleeping. His head was on the left side and on the right side, and he didn't know what to grab with his hands.

 “Let go.” A deep voice whispered in her ear.

 She could hear it, but she wasn't awake enough.

 Tonight, a drunken night is not quiet at all.

At first I thought I was sleeping peacefully, but in the middle of the night I got up and shouted for water. Then I sat up and muttered a few words and then lay down to sleep.

Ye Xichen, who was not sleepy, felt very helpless at her series of actions, but still silently got out of bed and got a glass of boiling water, bringing it to the mouth-friendly temperature.

 Before she even started to give her water, she reached out and hugged her!

How can you drink water without opening your eyes or letting go of your hands?

“Little bell, if you don’t let go, the water will spill out.”

 “Let go!”

She wouldn't stop no matter what, so Ye Xichen had no choice but to use force... to force her fingers away.

 “You little fool, you’re still so lazy when you’re thirsty.”

 He ​​used a spoon to scoop water to her mouth like a child, and fed her water in small sips.

Ye Weiwei touched the water, slowly opened his eyes, saw the cup in front of him, hugged it and took a sip.

 After drinking, he smashed his mouth, threw his head back and fell asleep again.

 “Oh, little guy.” Ye Xichen really couldn’t do anything to her!

By the time he woke up the next day, Ye Weiwei had forgotten what happened in the middle of the night and felt his head was heavy.

Another point…

 Ye Weiwei will clearly remember what happened when he woke up after being drunk. In the middle of the night, he was in a state of confusion and did not have memories, but he remembered clearly what happened when he held the bottle of wine and embarrassed Ye Xichen.

 “Oh my God!”

When she thought about the shameless things she had done, she covered her head with the quilt, really not wanting to show her face.

 Because she found that she would touch Ye Xichen every time after drinking? Take advantage?

Mrs. Mrs. ... terrible.



She still had a picture in her mind of Ye Xichen taking a piece of paper and a pen and asking her to write down the name "Qiao Ling", but she didn't pay attention to the content on the paper at that time.

 So she had no idea what she was writing.

 He called her to sign twice, both times when she couldn't see the content on the paper. This was very strange!

 But for a moment I couldn’t figure out what it was for.

 Getting out of bed, she saw the breakfast ready on the table.

I walked a few steps in my slippers and heard the sound of running water from the shower in the bathroom.

The phone on the table suddenly vibrated. She picked it up and saw that it was Xu Tangxi calling Ye Xichen.

 Xu Tangxi...

Ye Weiwei answered the call and waited silently for the other party to speak first.

Unexpectedly, Xu Tangxi called out his name directly at the exit, "Ye Xichen?"

Ye Weiyi had to reveal himself, "I'm not Ye Xichen, I'm Qiao Li."

“How come you answered the phone? Where is your brother?”

elder brother?

 What brother!

Everyone knew that she and Ye Xichen were not siblings, but Xu Tangxi forced them to treat them as siblings every time.

 She glanced at the bathroom and slightly raised the corners of her mouth, "Brother Chen is taking a shower."

 “What should I take a shower in the morning…”

"you guess."

 “Qiao Li! Why are you so shameless!”

 “Who are you calling shamelessly?”

 “It’s you who’s being scolded!”

 Xu Tangxi was so angry when she realized what she said.

“Qiao Ling, don’t be complacent! I tell you that the equity transfer contract has been completely destroyed by me!”

Hahahaha, these two constant routines, the heroine uses them to annoy the heroine, it feels very good to watch!



 (End of this chapter)

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