My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 504: Deeply affectionate

Chapter 504: Deep feelings

“Li Mo’er, you are getting bolder and bolder!”

“Brother Chen, I’m just telling the truth. After all, you are the one who helped me hide the truth.”

Mrs. Qiao is dead, but Li Moer has caught Ye Xichen's hand!

Ye Xichen helped cover up the truth about Mrs. Qiao falling from the stairs. If Ye Weiwei knew about it, it would be a good show.

In fact, Ye Xichen himself did not make any mistakes. The only reason is that he cares too much about Ye Weiyi, so he can easily grasp his weaknesses!

 But Ye Xichen is not easy to handle either.

“Li Mo’er, where is the nurse named Zhang? I know better than you do!”

 This is his warning to Li Mo'er!

Li Mo'er couldn't believe it, "How could you know..."

His bribery of a nurse surnamed Zhang to drug the old lady was extremely secretive. How could Ye Xichen, who was far away in G City, know about it...

For a moment, Li Moer didn't dare to imagine where Ye Xichen's strength would extend!

“Don’t think that because the old lady is dead, you can sit back and relax, say and do what you should, and don’t forget that you are responsible for a human life!”

Ye Xichen scoffed coldly and turned to leave.

Li Mo'er stood under the tree, holding on to the trunk of the tree and straining hard.

 She only dared to threaten to take advantage of her verbally, but Ye Xichen truly controlled her destiny.

 She is not willing to give in!

No matter what, we have to separate Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi. Those two people who have grudges should not be happy together!

Li Moer's heart has been blinded by jealousy and completely twisted.

 After handling the funeral of Mrs. Qiao, Mr. Qiao insisted on staying in the countryside to accompany her for a few days.

He said: "Your grandma is not used to going to strange places alone. I will stay with her here for a few days to prevent her from being too lonely."

 Ye Weiwei listened silently, and truly felt that Mr. Qiao had deep affection for his grandma.

Some love is not so vigorous, but it flows slowly and settles in time, turning into eternity.

“Grandpa, there are still many things I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me stories about grandma in the next few days.”

 The only thing Ye said was that he planned to stay.


Mr. Qiao stood there, looking in the direction where Mrs. Qiao was buried.

 The only thing that left quietly in the night.

She turned around and walked to the corner, and suddenly bumped into someone.

The man grabbed her wrist, and Ye Weiwei knew his identity without raising her head.

 “Brother...why are you here?”

 “Come and see you.”

 Ye Weiwei shook his head, "I'm fine."

Ye Xichen stared at her face with burning eyes, "When will you go back?"

Ye Weiwei gently broke away from his hand and turned his head slightly to avoid it, "I...I won't go back for the time being."

“Not going back? Are you ignoring your studies, your plans, and your friends?”

"I don't."

 “Then how long do you plan to stay here?”

“When grandma passed away, she hoped that grandpa and I would take care of each other. I want to spend more time with him.”

 Mrs. Qiao's death was a huge blow to Mr. Qiao. Ye Weiwei could only find a way to unblock Mr. Qiao's heart.

But these words had another meaning in Ye Xichen’s ears!

 “Are you going to take care of that so-called grandpa? Be his granddaughter and fulfill your filial piety?”

 “Yes, this is what I promised grandma.”

Ye Xichen's eyes flashed, "You also promised not to marry me, and you have to do it, right?"

The things he wanted to hide were revealed unexpectedly. Ye Weiwei was shocked, "How did you know?"

Today I have a date with my friends to have hot pot on Chinese Valentine’s Day and continue to celebrate Children’s Day.



 (End of this chapter)

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