My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 507: take off the ring

Chapter 507 Taking off the ring

She stood in the cold night wind, her exposed hands trembling, and her ears turned red from the cold.

Hearing the approaching footsteps behind him, Ye Weiwei suddenly did not dare to look back.

  I knew I had an extra cloak on me, and even my frozen hands were being held by someone.

 The familiar aura revealed the identity of the visitor, and Ye Weiwei did not resist at all.

 The man held her hand warmly in his palm, and the warmth conveyed by the sword in both hands was very hot.

Ye Weiwei kept her head down, not daring to look at him, "I thought you were gone."

 “I’m not as cruel as you.”

 His words clearly revealed his dissatisfaction with her.

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and apologized softly, "I'm sorry."

Ye Xichen cast his eyes on her profile and warned in a deep voice, "My tolerance has limits."

 He was able to give in this time just because he couldn't bear to embarrass his beloved girl, but that didn't mean that he had to make compromises again and again for people who didn't matter!

 The gentle big palms wrapped around the cold little hands, and the fingers were smooth.

Ye Xichen frowned, "Where's your ring?"

"That..." Ye Weiwei sighed heavily, "Because of recent events, I took it off."

A ring on her hand is too bright for a newly grown woman. If she is seen by Mr. Qiao and others, she doesn’t know what to say, so she might as well put it away herself.

Rubbing it between her smooth fingers, Ye Xichen's tone sounded a bit gritty, "You are right, I will compromise with you again and again, right?"

Ye Weiwei suddenly broke away from his hand, stretched out her arms to hook his neck, stood on tiptoes and tried to raise her head, just enough to kiss his cool lips.

 Both were silent.

  Lips touching.

The next moment, Ye Xichen turned his head and kissed her, taking in the sweetness in her lips and teeth.

Li Moer stood at the corner of the house, watching this scene with a sneer.

 She immediately turned around and went back to find Mr. Qiao.

“Grandpa, there are lights outside.”

"Oh, Yi Chen is worried that you little girls are not used to this place and are afraid of the dark, so he specially found two lights and placed them outside."

"No, I thought I saw Qiao Qiao going out just now. It's so cold at night. I don't know what she was going to do." Li Mo'er printed the topic with a worried tone.

Mr. Qiao couldn't sit still when he heard this, "Why is this kid running out now? It's not as cold here as in the city. It's very cold at night."

Mr. Qiao stood up and walked out.

Li Moer picked up a coat at the door and handed it over, "Grandpa, it's very cold outside, please wear an extra layer."

 Because of the incident with Mrs. Qiao, Mr. Qiao also had a good impression of Li Mo'er. Seeing that she was so attentive and considerate, he became even closer, "Mo'er is interested."

 “This is what Mo’er should do.”

Li Moer walked behind Mr. Qiao, guiding him intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Mo'er could have taken it easy when he came before, but Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen had no time to take care of it at that time.

At this moment, Mr. Qiao naturally made some movement when he was approaching. Ye Xichen was keenly aware of it, and gently stroked Ye Weiwei's long hair that was hanging around her shoulders, and placed a gentle kiss on her eyebrows.

 “I can’t wait long.”

 Old man Qiao walked slower as he got older. When he and Li Mo'er came around, they saw Ye Weiwei standing alone under the lantern.

Li Moer looked around.

 Lao Qiao shouted: "Qiao Qiao."

Ye Weiwei turned around with his hands clasped together.

Li Moer suddenly pointed at her and asked, "Hey, where did this cloak come from?"

 (End of this chapter)

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