My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 512: Kneel down for 5,000 yuan

Chapter 512 Kneel down for 5,000 yuan

 “I’ll come back to pick you up in three days.”

This is the only last deadline Ye Xichen gave Ye.

 She nodded in agreement.

  Ye Xichen did not leave with Madam Ye after that. The purpose of Madam Butuye's trip has been achieved and she won't force it anymore.

When Mrs. Ye was about to leave, Li Mo'er ran up and said, "Mother Ye, I want to go back too. You can take Mo'er back with you."

 She has successfully caused the Ye family's feud with the Qiao family to escalate. Now that Mrs. Qiao is buried in the soil, she does not want to stay in the countryside and suffer.

Madam Ye glanced at her and said, "Come up."



There was a sudden braking, and the tire made a screeching sound due to the strong friction between the tire and the ground.

Ye Xichen suddenly opened his eyes, which were originally closed.

 The driver quickly explained, "Master, there are a bunch of people in front of us. It seems there was an accident."

This is a one-way street. Although there are few vehicles, the road is narrow and there are a bunch of people surrounding it, making it difficult for them to pass.

 “Go down and have a look.”

The driver opened the door and got out. After listening to a few words, he roughly knew what was going on.

“Someone’s bicycle hit a car and accidentally scratched the car. The owner is asking for compensation.”

 It is only natural to ask for compensation if your car is scratched.

 But since there has been a stalemate, there are still problems that cannot be solved.

“The owner of the car quoted a high price, but the person who scratched the car was very poor and couldn’t afford that much.”

 “What a joke.”

It is natural for car owners to ask for compensation, but it is indeed a joke to extort money from rural areas at high prices.

 In the crowd, the vicious car owner grabbed a young girl's arm and said, "Do you know how much this car is worth? Please pay me quickly!"

"I'm sorry, I can think of a way, but we really can't afford that much money at the moment." The girl cried and begged.

Beside them there was an old man sitting on the ground, crying.

The old man kept shaking his hands in a bowed posture: "Please, kindhearted person, please let my granddaughter go. We, our grandson and grandson, live in poverty depending on each other, and we really can't afford that much money."

 The onlookers had different opinions, but no one was willing to really help them.

We are all from rural areas, who is willing to spend 5,000 yuan at once? Looking at the grandfather and grandson, it is obvious that they are not ready for it.

  I can't even take care of my own family, and I can only talk and laugh about other people's affairs, but I can't interfere.

The vicious driver threatened them, "If you don't pay back the money, then follow me to the police station!"

 The young girl struggled desperately, "I can't go to the police station, I still have my grandma to take care of."

 They didn’t know how much the car cost, they just knew it was something they couldn’t afford.

Everyone thinks that if someone goes to the police station for something like this, they will definitely be locked up, and the reputation will be bad.

 The old man sitting on the ground put his hands on the ground, and his sitting posture changed to a kneeling posture.

The old man knelt down without dignity in front of the vicious car owner, kowtowed to him, hoping that he would let him and his granddaughter go. "Good Samaritan, please let my granddaughter go. If you want to arrest me, just arrest me, an old man. I'll give it to you." "Kowtow."

 Passers-by looked at him sideways.

Some people went to pull the old man, but the old man refused to get up.

 What will happen if we get up? It's better to kneel down and beg, hoping that the person will feel compassion.

However, the honest and honest rural people seem to be easy to bully, and the car owner is a vicious-looking man. It is obvious that one side is strong and the other is weak.

 “It’s useless to kneel down! I just want money!”

Ye Xichen listened to a farce.

 “Go and send those people away.”

Tomorrow we will release last month’s sign-in list and reward red envelopes. Please note that we will notify you of chapter updates~



 (End of this chapter)

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