My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 519: Ye Xichen did something sorry for you

Chapter 519 Ye Xichen did something sorry for you

 There is only one road after entering the village, but there are two roads on the way to the village.

Pei Yichen deliberately took a long detour, completely missing Ye Xichen's car.

 Ye Yiwei doesn’t know yet.

 Lao Qiao suddenly asked, "Qiao Qiao, how have you lived alone these years?"

"It's not bad, you have a brother..." Her first reaction was to praise Ye Xichen, but that name was taboo in Mr. Qiao's ears.

Ye Weiwei forced it back and said, "There are people taking care of me, and I have many friends."

 Lao Qiao asked again: "Do you want to live with your relatives?"

"Of course!" Ye Weiwei nodded without hesitation, "But after my parents passed away, I couldn't find my grandma. My little aunt is not close to me."

“Qiaoqiao, although we have not been together for a long time, old man, I sincerely love you as my granddaughter...”

“Grandpa, I know, you are a relative in Qiaoqiao’s heart, and Qiaoqiao will be filial to you in the future.” Ye Weiwei’s words were partly from the heart, and partly to comfort the old man’s lonely heart.

 Mr. Qiao hesitated again and again, but finally said what was in his heart, "Qiao Qiao, grandpa has found a very good school for you abroad. You can go and study there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Weiyi lost all the smile on his face.

“Grandpa, are you kidding me?”

She has never thought about going abroad!

"I'm serious. I've already contacted Yi Chen before. Because your performance and abilities are very good, the school over there is happy to admit you."

Ye Youyi told Mr. Qiao calmly, "The School of Finance is a school that I spent a lot of time and effort to get into. I never thought about leaving."

"Qiaoqiao, grandpa is worried about you staying here alone. Your grandma entrusted you to my care before she died. I can't break my promise to your grandma."

  Mr. Qiao said the last half of the sentence very seriously.

 He was repeatedly reminding Ye Weiyi to remember what he promised Mrs. Qiao before she died.

 Can't have anything to do with the Ye family!

 But she simply couldn't do it.

Ye Weiwei's attitude was firm, "Grandpa, I can handle my own life. I have made it through the past ten years."

"Furthermore, the people who have been by my side for more than ten years were not my parents or my grandma, but Ye Xichen! To me, he is someone I will never let go of in this life."

Hearing Ye Weiwei's firm tone, Mr. Qiao sighed hesitantly.

"Forget it, I have no right to interfere in your life, but you promised your grandma that you would never marry the Ye family! They are the main culprits who killed your parents!"

Ye Weiwei wanted to argue, but in the end he didn't say anything.

They may be, but my brother is not...

“At the beginning, it was Yejia who planned to annex my father’s company. I always remember this hatred very clearly. But I have worked hard and I will take back my father’s company.”

Ye Weiwei always felt that the Ye family had annexed the Qiao family and deserved repayment, but he didn't know that the death of his parents had an...undisclosed relationship with the Ye family.

"Qiaoqiao, you are not alone now. You still have relatives. Grandpa will help you."

“Well, I will tell grandpa when necessary, but now, grandpa, please let me go back.”

“Qiaoqiao, you are still young and don’t know that people’s hearts are sinister. Your so-called brother who treats you wholeheartedly may have done something sorry for you?”


 “What would you do if it really happened?”

 (End of this chapter)

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