My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 523: The woman he keeps is pregnant

Chapter 523 The woman he kept is pregnant

 Manager Zhao said he would take her to see Miss "Qiao Ling", but instead took her to Ye Xichen's private room.

 “Isn’t this Master Ye’s room?”

“What belongs to Young Master Ye belongs to Miss Qiao, do you understand?”

 Manager Zhao’s first sentence: The relationship between Ye Xichen and Ye Weiyi in the bar is solidified.

Leng Yanxi was curious, "Master Ye, what is your relationship with Miss Qiao?"

"It's hard to say, but let me remind you, Miss Qiao has a very good personality and usually doesn't embarrass anyone, but you shouldn't mess with her. Just because she's not angry doesn't mean others won't help her vent her anger." Manager Zhao shook his head, still Nothing is said.

 “You should clean it carefully from now on and pay attention to every corner.”

“Each equipment has different cleaning methods, you have to remember it clearly…”

“Okay, let’s talk in a while and I’ll take you in.”

Leng Yanxi was shocked when Manager Zhao took her in to see Ye Weiwei.

Miss Qiao Ling, whom Manager Zhao had warned not to mess with, was actually the person she had just thrown water on...

 She is dead!

  Chances are you won’t even be able to keep your job!

"Ms. Qiao, this is the person I just found. Her name is Leng Yanxi. She is a newly hired waiter. She will be responsible for cleaning your room from now on."

Director Zhao pushed Leng Yanxi out and gave a brief introduction to Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiyi raised her eyes and took in Leng Yanxi's panicked expression. She stared at Leng Yanxi expressionlessly.

Leng Yanxi stood there, not daring to look directly at Ye Weiwei, feeling like she was about to break out in a cold sweat.

“Qiao, hello Miss Qiao, I am the person who will be responsible for cleaning your room from now on. My name is Leng Yanxi.”

Leng Yanxi didn’t know what to say, so she repeated Director Zhao’s introduction to her.

Ye Weiwei smiled slightly and nodded in response, "Okay, keep working hard."

Leng Yanxi didn’t expect Ye Weiyi to be so easy to talk to, and she was surprised and grateful at the same time, “Thank you, Miss Qiao, for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely do a good job!”

When Manager Zhao took Leng Yanxi away, Ye Weiyi told him again, "By the way, Manager Zhao, there is no need to tell my brother about this matter today. It's just a small matter anyway."

At this time, Manager Zhao was really happy, "That's great, I'm afraid I'll get scolded."

 Ye Weiwei gave him an "OK" gesture.

She finally received a reply from Ye Xichen. It turned out that her phone had run out of battery.

After Ye Xichen heard Ye Weiyi say that he saw Mrs. Ye in the apartment, he did not let Ye Weiyi go back, but asked her to wait at the bar, "I will pick you up at the bar."

Ye Xichen's car drove into the city during the peak traffic jam period. He accidentally saw the pregnant woman named Su who looked similar to Hua Qianhui walking on the street.

It’s really strange.

 I have never seen it before, but now it is rare. I see it twice a day.

Ye Xichen's car pulled over, and he received a call from Madam Ye, and there was a cry from inside.

A woman as strong as Madam Ye is made to cry?

That must be something big!

“Chen’er, where are you?”


“Chen’er, come back quickly! Mom really can’t hold on anymore.”

Hearing Mrs. Ye's cry, Ye Xichen already realized the seriousness of the matter, "Mom? What happened?"

Mrs. Ye was sobbing on the other end of the phone, and Ye Hantian's voice could be vaguely heard.

 The two were quarreling again.

Mrs. Ye grabbed her cell phone and shouted shamelessly, "Come back and see your father, he is going crazy! He is keeping a woman outside, and the woman is pregnant with a child!"

 (End of this chapter)

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