My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 528: Licking face

Chapter 528 Licking the face

 “What to do now?”

“It’s hard to change what she believes in.” Madam Ye wanted to kill the unborn child, and she might do it tonight.

Ye Xichen's plan was ruined, so he could only rush over now, "I want to go over and see that Su Hui first."

Ye Weiwei followed him with a firm tone, "I want to go take a look."

Ye Xichen's movements suddenly paused, as if he was hesitating about Ye Weiwei's behavior.

Ye Weiwei pushed him gently, couldn't wait to put on his coat and shoes, and took Ye Xichen's hand, "Hurry up, if Madam Ye finds me first, we probably won't be able to talk about anything!"

No matter what happened to Su Huina, she was always curious.

 The more Mrs. Ye likes Ye Hantian, the more she hates the woman Ye Hantian likes.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but make a scene when she found out about the cheating. Are you going to arrest people now that it's dark? It shows that she takes this matter seriously.

Ye Xichen estimated the time on the way there. According to the distance and speed, they would arrive before Madam Ye.

 But when they arrived at Su Hui's house, they found that there was no one there.

Just when Ye Xichen and Ye were planning to drive away, Mrs. Ye's car happened to be parked next to them.

 The three of them inevitably collided.

Mrs. Ye gently glanced at Ye Weiyi and just snorted. She was not in the mood to talk to this little girl now.

“Chen’er, why did you find yourself here?”

 “Have you found that woman too?”

 “Where is she now!”

Madam Ye’s face was serious, with an angry look on her face.

 It seems that Mrs. Ye still doesn’t know what Su Hui looks like.

Ye Weiwei glanced at Ye Xichen quietly and stood beside him silently as if he didn't exist.

Ye Xichen was calm, "Mom, that woman is not here. You should go back first. I will handle this matter."

"Not here? Ye Hantian must have seen what happened and was afraid that we would do anything to that bitch, so he moved as soon as possible!"

“I really like her. She actually protects that **** so well!” Mrs. Ye’s words to herself already showed her dissatisfaction with Ye Hantian and her resentment towards that woman.

"Chen'er, you have to find that woman quickly, otherwise I won't feel at ease if the child in her belly survives for a day. No matter what girl, no matter whether she is a boy or a girl, Ye Hantian can only have you as a son!"

After Mrs. Ye scolded her bitterly, she finally thought of Ye Weiwei.

 Suddenly her finger pointed at Ye Weiwei.

Mrs. Ye was very dissatisfied with Ye Xichen's behavior, "You just said you had something to do, but you ended up with her?"

Ye Xichen naturally pushed Ye Weiwei back, stood in front of her, and persuaded Madam Ye seriously, "Mom, if you pay less attention to some things, I think you will have a happy life."

There was no need to worry about many things, but Mrs. Ye kept them in mind, which actually made her feel unhappy.

“Don’t forget, who swore that he would never have anything to do with our Ye family, but just a few days later, he was licking his face and sticking to her.”

Madam Ye snorted coldly, "Chen'er, go home with mom!"

“Mom, what you should do now is to pursue your father’s matter. His woman has been transferred. Don’t you want to find out the whereabouts of that woman earlier?”

 When Ye Xichen said these words, Madam Ye really hesitated.

 But soon, Mrs. Ye answered the phone and smiled instantly.

“Chen’er, I know where that woman lives now, Renhe Hospital.”

   I chose the name of the hospital randomly.



 (End of this chapter)

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