My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 533: Mrs. Night's Pain

Chapter 533 Madam Ye’s Pain

 The appearance of Ye Hantian completely silenced the scene.

Su Hui was asking for help. Ye Hantian was the first to look at her, but the one he cared about the most was Ye Weiwei.


No one expected that when Ye Hantian entered the venue, he first called Ye Weiwei's name.

No one could understand what Ye Hantian meant.

Ye Weiwei stared at him for about three seconds, then looked away and stared at Ye Xichen's hand, feeling even more panicked.

“Xiao Li, don’t pay attention to those words, your mother is a good woman.”

“Mr. Ye, I know very well what kind of person my mother is, but this has nothing to do with you.”

Ye Weiwei couldn't figure it out. Ye Hantian was a smart and wise businessman after all, but why he was so weak here.

 Knowing that Mrs. Ye was jealous of her mother, she still praised her mother in front of two women.

Her mother should indeed be praised, but it should not be done by Ye Hantian at this time.

Su Hui, who was pushed aside, listened a lot in the fog and had a rough guess in her mind.

It seems that she looks similar to the mother of the girl named Qiao Ling, and the person Ye Hantian really likes is actually Qiao Ling's mother? Treating her Su Hui as a substitute from beginning to end?

This kind of thing is unacceptable to many women, including Su Hui.

 But Su Hui is not a woman who focuses on emotions.

She reacted quickly and cried to Ye Hantian, "Hantian, save me, save our child, I want to protect him."

Hearing Su Hui's cry, Ye Hantian finally remembered that he had a mistress who was pregnant at the moment.

Ye Hantian straightened his back and ordered in a cold voice, "Relax!"

The fake doctors hesitated.

 But as soon as Yehantian's situation became apparent, those who knew his identity had no choice but to loosen their books.

As soon as Su Hui got free, she ran to Ye Hantian and grabbed his arm tightly. "Please take me away quickly. They want to harm my child. This is our child."

 Ye Hantian was almost addicted when he saw Su Hui's face.

He also patted Su Hui on the back to calm her down, "You are a pregnant woman. You should keep a good mood and don't be too anxious. Don't worry, I'm here. No one dares to touch your child!"

 Ye Hantian's words gave Su Hui some reassurance.

Su Hui hid beside Ye Hantian, not daring to raise her head, pretending to be frightened.

Ye Hantian was protecting Su Hui and was about to leave, but Mrs. Ye blocked the door angrily, "Everyone needs to speak clearly here today, otherwise no one will be able to leave!"

Ye Hantian was very dissatisfied and said, "What else do you want to do? Didn't I tell you that the child in Hui'er's belly is a girl, so it does not pose a threat to your position as the matron of the house or your son's inheritance!"

In Ye Hantian's eyes, all the ridiculous things Mrs. Ye did were to protect her status as the mistress of the family and her son's status as the sole heir.

 Mrs. Ye was angry and sad.

 But her identity and pride did not allow her to bow her head.

 She then followed Ye Hantian's words and admitted, "Yes, I will never allow the factors that affect me and my son to survive in the world!"

Mrs. Ye raised her chin high, held back the red circles in her eyes, and said sternly: "Unless the child dies here today, no one can leave!"

 Amway's "Green Plum in Hand, Bamboo Horse without Worry" is super sweet, the male and female protagonists have no misunderstanding, it is sweet from beginning to end

  "The Bamboo Horse Is Not Enough: Addicted to Flirting with Green Plums" The female protagonist is soft and smart, and the male protagonist is ruffian and handsome

  "Cute Baby 1v1: Cold Husband, Take the Move" is a story about cute baby, but it goes against the grain. The heroine takes her son with her, and the son has the hero's surname since he was a child.

Suddenly I felt that Mrs. Ye was quite pitiful. She was persistent and unwilling to give in, and her pride did not allow her to bow her head.



 (End of this chapter)

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