My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 535: don't go back to him

Chapter 535 Don’t go back to him

She thought it would always be Ye Xichen standing behind her, but this time it was Pei Yichen who knelt with her in front of the tombstone.

 The only surprise in the night was just for a moment.

She slowly moved her gaze back and looked at the tombstone, her eyes tender and full of nostalgia. She said: "My mother is the most beautiful and kind-hearted woman in the world."

"I know."

Pei Yichen quietly held an umbrella for her and stayed with her.

Ye Weiwei's mood has gradually stabilized.

She neither yelled nor cried. She could only hear the sound of raindrops falling from the sky.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ye Weiwei bowed to the grave and said, “Mom, I’m sorry, Xiao Lian disturbed your rest again.”

Pei Yichen said: "Your mother will be really sad when she knows that you have been wronged."

This other kind of comfort made Ye Weiwei finally willing to show a slight smile, but it soon disappeared.

"you're right."

 “Let’s go.”

The two stood up together. Pei Yichen suddenly handed her the umbrella, but when she took the umbrella, he took off his coat and said, "Miss, please take off your coat."

Ye Yiwei refused.

 “Thank you for your kindness, no need.”

 Her refusal without hesitation left Pei Yichen speechless.

Pei Yichen took back the umbrella and still held it for her, controlling the position very carefully. Even if his shoulders were soaked by the slanting rain, he tried his best not to let her get wet.

But none of them knew that after they left the cemetery, a tall figure walked to Hua Qianhui's tombstone, knelt down with straight legs, and kowtowed three times sincerely.

 He looked at the tombstone with a determined expression.

“Aunt Hui, I will take care of Xiaoli forever.”


I got caught in the rain and unfortunately caught a cold and a runny nose.

The cold medicine Pei Yichen gave her as a backup did not work.

“Miss, why don’t I take you to the hospital for a checkup?”


Ye Weiwei shook his head and just wanted to hide in bed.

 It turned out that Mr. Qiao was worried about her and left Pei Yichen here, so when he was at the cemetery last night, Pei Yichen showed up in time with an umbrella.

She didn't want to go home, so Pei Yichen could only take her to the hotel.

She also sent Ye Xichen a text message to report that she was safe. She didn't mean to lose her temper, but she just couldn't face it.

It turns out that the relationship between parents and children is really inseparable.

 No matter how good the relationship between Ye Xichen and her was, there would still be a estrangement because of their parents.

She didn't want to do this, and she didn't want to retaliate against Ye Xichen for her complaints against the Ye family, so she chose to escape and hide carefully.

She didn’t want to go to the hospital, so she took the medicine and went to bed. She didn’t expect to have a fever.

Pei Yichen couldn't do anything to her, so he directly invited a doctor to see her.

 The doctor gave Ye Youwei an injection. She looked in great pain as she covered her arm.

Pei Yichen saw her biting her lip and frowning. He hesitated for a while and said, "Miss, if you feel can tell me."

Ke Yewei shook his head and remained silent.

When the doctor left, Ye Weiyi suddenly told Pei Yichen, "I want to go home."

 The home she mentioned refers to Ye Xichen's apartment.

 But Pei Yichen, who had previously taken care of everything, became silent.

“Assistant Pei, I’m going home. Thank you very much for everything yesterday and today.”

Just when Ye Weiwei got out of bed and was about to walk out of the door, Pei Yichen suddenly reached out to stop her, "Miss, I hope you won't come back to the Ye family again."

I already said that the one holding the umbrella is not Brother Chen~



 (End of this chapter)

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