My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 553: I'm just responsible for you, not like you

Chapter 553: I am just responsible for you, not like you

 “I’m not angry, I just think a lot of things are unnecessary.”

"It's not necessary? Brother, do you think that liking me has become unnecessary for you? What does it mean now?"

 “It’s just responsibility.”

 The first dance ended perfectly.

 The applause from the audience was endless.

Some people feel regretful, some regret not finding a way to hook up with that beautiful young lady, and some... are jealous.

Xu Tangxi finished watching the dance and poured glasses of red wine into her mouth.

Since her feelings were revealed, Ye Xichen has been unable to have the same contact with her as an ordinary friend before, and has become more and more alienated. Apart from work, there is no longer a private word between them.

Xu Tangxi looked left and right, and suddenly walked towards Bai Yunruo holding a wine glass.

"Miss Bai, I originally thought you would become a dance partner with our nightclub, but someone else beat you to it." Xu Tangxi knew that Ye Xichen had had more contact with Bai Junruo recently, and had heard Bai Junruo say something to Ye Xichen I was invited to the dance, but I didn't expect to show up. It was a surprise.

Xu Tangxi wants to find an ally, or someone who can resonate with her.

What a pity, Bai Junruo doesn’t want to do that!

"Miss Xu misunderstood. Young Master Ye and I are nothing more than partners. He is free to decide who he dances with."

“Oh, I accidentally heard Miss Bai talking about this matter to the nightclub a few days ago, and it turned out to be like this.”

The two of them spoke tactfully, and anyone who cared could understand them.

Xu Tangxi wanted to get a few more words out of Bai Yunruo, but she didn't expect that Bai Yunruo's companion Xu Yi came over and pulled Bai Yunruo away, and said in front of Xu Tangxi very humiliatingly: "Ruoruo, Don’t waste your time on unnecessary people, let’s go and meet some talented people!”

After finishing speaking, regardless of Xu Tangxi's expression or reaction, Xu Yi put one hand on Bai Yunruo's shoulder, and the two of them walked to the other side.

Bai Junruo teased the people next to him about this matter, "Xu Yi, you are really ungentlemanly. After all, you all have the surname Xu."

Xu Yi kindly reminded me, “Miss Ruoruo, don’t forget, your surname is also Xu.”

Bai Junruo smiled lightly and said without comment, "OK, I won't say anything."

Xu Yi said that he would take her to meet talented people but did not take any action.

 Bai Junruo was not going to dance. She saw many people on the field and suddenly aimed in the direction of Xia Xiyun, "That girl seems to be in trouble."

Xu Yi snorted, "I think she enjoyed it."

Xia Xiyun was surrounded by several men, but she had a smile on her face and could talk at the same time with ease.

 Not long after, there were more than a dozen business cards stuffed in her satchel.

Xu Yi scoffed, "Tsk, another gold-worshiping girl."

Bai Junruo shook his head to deny his comment, and corrected himself, "Xu Yi, you can't say that about a girl. Everyone has their own pursuits."

“Then what are you pursuing? Indifferent to fame and wealth, staying away from the world of mortals, I think you are about to ascend to immortality.”

Bai Junruo said: "If I could really become an immortal, the first thing I would do is to pull out the bad roots in your body."

 “This dance is really boring, let’s go.”

“This has just begun, it would be rude to leave.”

Hearing Bai Junruo's unchanging tone from beginning to end, Xu Yi felt that all his patience was about to burn out.

“You promised Mommy that you would listen to me the whole time today, don’t forget it.”

“That’s because my mother set me up and tricked me!”

 “But you still agreed.”

 Xu Yi: “…”

Qibao, you can guess what the identities of Bai Yunruo and Xu Yi are! ! Very simple



 (End of this chapter)

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