My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 559: Make peace, express feelings to each other

Chapter 559: Reconciliation and sharing of feelings

The nurse who once took care of Mrs. Ye was caught by Pei Yichen, and the truth is about to come out.

As soon as she limped to the door, Ye Xichen's questioning voice came from beside her, "Where are you going?"

 “Brother.” He shouted subconsciously and then realized that he was quarreling with him.

  The confession book in my hand has not yet been put down.

Looking at Ye Xichen walking towards this side, she pulled the things in her hands tighter.

“I have something to do and have to go back to City S.”

 “What are you going to do when you go back?”

"Yes..." She wanted to say that Pei Yichen had found the nurse who had taken care of her grandma, but she hesitated whether to tell Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen's eyes fell on her hand, and the stack of papers was particularly obvious.

 “What’s in your hand?”

 “No, nothing.”

Ye Ziwei subconsciously put his hands behind his back and picked up the things.

Of course, Ye Xichen could see that she was making excuses, so he took a step forward, reached out and held her wrist, and rubbed it between her fingers, causing her to gradually loosen her fingers.

Ye only wanted to relax, and Ye Xichen also successfully obtained the confession paper.

 The thing was about to be opened, Ye Weiyi slowly lowered his head and pursed his lips tightly.

I don’t know if Ye Xichen read the content clearly. She didn’t hear any response for a long time.

I couldn't help but look up, but suddenly...

Hit that person’s lips!

 The pupils dilated instantly, and the only heartbeat in the night was like beating a drum.

It turned out that he leaned down and was face to face with her when he raised his head, and the kiss was unexpected.

Although there were no words, the man with a domineering nature quickly changed from passive to active. He put his palm on the back of her head and pushed her head forward, deepening the kiss and inhaling the sweetness on his tongue.

Those confession papers fell to the ground one after another, and the black and white words clearly expressed the sincerity.

 I didn’t cry when I was wronged, and I didn’t cry when I was left out. But at this moment, I suddenly shed tears.

Ye Xichen finally let her go, raised his wrist, and gently wiped away her tears with his fingers.

A gentle touch across her eyebrows, he lowered his head to apologize to her and said, "I'm sorry."

“Seeing you shed tears makes my heart hurt even more than when you let me go.”

He was finally willing to tell the reason for his anger, and he was finally willing to be honest with her for once.

 “You are an idiot! You are an idiot!” She raised her fists and hit him on the shoulder again and again. Such a simple sentence was enough to make her burst into tears.

Ye Xichen held the little fist, put it to his mouth and kissed it gently, "I am a fool, so I would be affected by your every move and lose my mind."

 Just because you care too much, you will be angry and confused.

  "I feel free to vent my anger if I want to hit or scold me. I just ask you not to say anything like leaving me again in the future."

“You didn’t care about me before. You didn’t care about me when I was hurt. You didn’t care about me when I cried out in pain. You liar! You’re a big liar!”

 “No, I never ignored you.”

How could he not care, how could he not feel distressed?

The first time she pretended to fall, he could tell the truth at a glance. The second time he really sprained it, he took the best medicine.

 He did not change the password in his office. He had instructed his secretary not to hide his itinerary from Ye Weiwei.

Bai Junruo invited him to be his dance partner just as a joke, and he never thought about letting other women stand beside him.

 On the day of the dance, he asked the driver to check the situation carefully. If the night was coming, he would deliver it safely.

 “I’m sorry, but I promise, there will never be a next time!”

 Xiao Lian, you can never imagine how important you are to me!

 (End of this chapter)

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