My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 567: Sister should let her sister

Chapter 567: The elder sister should let the younger sister

Li Moer has returned to China.

She lived abroad with the Li family for a few days before she realized that she no longer belonged to the Li family, and her ten-year-old sister dared to bully her.

 “You are the elder sister and you should give way to your younger sister!”

“Who asked you to come back and steal my parents’ attention from me!”

 When I live in Li’s house these days, I can basically hear the above two sentences.

 First, her elders were polite to her, but that kind of politeness did not feel like a relative, but like a guest from afar.

The room prepared by her parents for her was deliberately occupied by her younger sister, but the elders would tell her, "You are the older sister and you should let her go. My younger sister likes that room, so why don't you change it to another one?"

But where her family can't see or hear her, her sister will always tell her arrogantly, "I just deliberately snatched your things, who asked you to come back suddenly. My parents are mine, and I don't want you as a sister." ”

Originally there were many sisters in the Li family, but now most of them have grown up and settled down in their own homes, and they are separated. Some of them have not been seen for several years.

 So everyone loves the youngest daughter in the family very much.

Sometimes she is really annoyed by her sister and can't help but yell. Then her sister will cry and run to the elders to complain and say bad things about her.

 She has been taking care of the Ye family for many years, and the elders of the Li family all favor their younger sister.

 She had suffered enough grievances and felt uncomfortable being excluded from her family.

 So she went against Ye Xichen's words and returned home quietly.

“Since the Li family is unreliable, we have to hold onto Ye Xichen’s handle tightly!”

 Now Mrs. Ye doesn't like her as much as before, and she still has to make plans for her future.

Li Moer has not told anyone about her return to China for the time being.

She found a hotel to stay temporarily outside and hesitated whether to contact Ye Xichen.

 But Li Mo'er also had concerns, "If I tell Brother Chen now, he will definitely be very dissatisfied with my unauthorized actions."

After some hesitation, Li Moer contacted his best friend in high school.

Now that the winter vacation is over, the two friends met to go shopping and have fun.

 Three days later, Li Moer met Pei Yichen outside his hotel room.


Li Moer was immediately startled, patted her chest and gasped, "Assistant Pei, why are you here?"

“Li Mo’er, our lady would like to invite you to talk about old times.”

 “Reminiscing about old times?” Li Moer’s attitude immediately changed when he heard that Ye Youwei was looking for something to do.

 “I have nothing to say to her, I don’t want to see her.”

Knowing that Ye Weiwei was still insisting on Mrs. Qiao falling down the stairs recently, Li Moer felt very uncomfortable and was very repelled by her.

 But since Pei Yichen came here in person to "invite" people, she has to go regardless of whether she is willing or not!

“Our lady wants to talk to you about Nurse Zhang.”

“Nurse Zhang...what the hell, Nurse Zhang, I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

“Li Mo’er, if you want to make a scene in the corridor, I’m afraid it won’t be good for you if the matter is leaked.”

 At this moment, the room next door suddenly opened.

Pei Yichen signaled to Li Moer, who snorted coldly and walked in.

As soon as Li Moer entered the door, he saw Ye Weiwei's tall figure standing in the center.

Although Li Moer didn't want to admit it, he always felt that his guilty conscience was suppressed by Ye Weiwei.

 “What on earth do you want to say?”

“Tell me about how you asked Nurse Zhang to drug you and how you asked the housekeeper to hide the truth.”

Although it is very satisfying to have Li Moer’s evil deeds exposed, it is also equivalent to Ye Xichen’s incident...



 (End of this chapter)

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