My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 578: Birthmark from childhood

Chapter 578: Birthmark from childhood

Pei Yichen hesitated again and again, and tentatively said, "Miss, with all due respect, I just saw that Ye Xichen seems to have a crescent birthmark on his waist..."

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Ye Weiwei responded indifferently, but rather curiously.

Pei Yichen was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained, "I just think this is so funny. You said he usually looks like such a proud person, but who knew he would have such a birthmark on his waist? It's really funny, right?"

   …” The only black line on the forehead is the only one in the night.

When I saw Pei Yichen with Grandma Qiao before, it was an endorsement of maturity and stability.

Now that I have actually met Pei Yichen, I know that this mature and steady Assistant Pei is quite good at telling cold jokes?

But at this point she had to give a few words of advice, "Assistant Pei, don't mention the birthmark in front of him."

 “What? Is there any hidden secret?”

“Um...Assistant Pei has such a rich imagination. My brother just doesn’t like to be known.”

Ye Xichen is still a bit of a male chauvinist at heart. Although the crescent birthmark is not ugly, Ye Xichen thinks that a man with a birthmark on his waist is taboo!

“Is it a birthmark that has been present since childhood?”

 “Yes, I have been since I was a child.” I answered in the affirmative smoothly.

But Ye Weiwei always felt that these questions from Pei Yichen were strange, so he asked curiously: "Why are you suddenly so interested in his birthmark? Aren't you and him very different?"

 “Well, I’m not interested in his birthmark, I just thought of one thing!”

"what's up?"

“Miss, you actually know a man’s body so clearly.”

"Hey." Ye Weiwei immediately showed a shy look when he mentioned this, "He and I are childhood sweethearts who grew up together."

 In fact, she still clearly remembers that she was the first to initiate something as embarrassing as taking a shower together!

Ye Xichen has a precocious mind, like a little adult, and doesn’t allow anyone to help him take a bath.

As a result, Ye Weiwei broke into his bathroom one day and got herself soaked. Ye Xichen had no choice but to help her take a bath.

At that time, she saw the birthmark on Ye Xichen's waist, and deliberately poked it with her finger.

Her hand was held by Ye Xichen, and she was not allowed to mention it again.

 She was already used to it and didn't find it novel.

Pei Yichen suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, "My childhood sweethearts cannot be the reason for you to peek at a man's body, miss."

“Assistant Pei, please think about me. Am I the kind of person who would peek at other people’s naked bodies? I saw it openly when we took a shower together when we were kids!”

“I really can’t imagine someone like Ye Xichen taking a bath with a little girl when he was a child..."

The little good image Ye Xichen left for Pei Yichen also collapsed instantly.

Ye Weiwei waved his hands repeatedly, "Assistant Pei, please stop filling your head. Why are you thinking about a man's birthmark..."

Feeling that he had said too much, Ye Weiwei waved his hand and changed the subject, "It's best to collect more evidence that Li Mo'er did bad things, and not to spread the news about both sides for the time being."

 “Okay, I’ll make arrangements right away.”

Pei Yichen nodded and accepted the order.

After seeing Ye Weiwei enter the room again, Pei Yichen took a few more glances at Ye Xichen on the pretext of taking the medicine box.

 After leaving, Pei Yichen frowned and looked far away.

 No, he had to verify the crescent birthmark before he could feel at ease.

   If Brother Chen has another identity, then he is not from the Ye family~

There will be a Dragon Boat Festival event tomorrow, Qibao people, please pay attention~



 (End of this chapter)

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