My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 581: Madam Ye actually gave birth to a daughter

Chapter 581 Madam Ye actually gave birth to a daughter

“I’m sorry, ma’am, I’ll pick things up right away.” The servant squatted on the ground to pick up the glass beads, and the housekeeper and others also came to help.

Mrs. Ye stared at the glass beads on the ground, and the crisp sound of the beads bouncing when they fell on the ground seemed to echo in her ears.

Originally, the servant thought he would be scolded and punished.

Unexpectedly, Madam Ye turned around and left.

Servant A was so frightened that his heart beat faster. He dared to sit on the ground only after seeing Madam Ye left, "Oh my god, I was scared to death."

 “Why are you so careless?” Servant B said to her.

 Servant A was puzzled, "I thought this thing belonged to Miss Mo'er, so I wanted to take it out and ask, but I accidentally slipped and dropped it."

"Looking at Madam's sudden anger, she should take it seriously. This toy belongs to the young master, right?" Servant B also directly blocked the two options "Ye Hantian and Madam Ye".

At this time, the butler shook his head and told the truth, "None of what you said is true. The glass beads in this bottle were left by the only lady."

 “In this way, Madam still thinks of the only young lady…”

 “Shh! Stop talking, pick up the things quickly, don’t miss them.”

They just got into trouble and they didn't dare to continue talking about it.

 I carefully cleaned up the surroundings and picked up nine glass beads.

After Mrs. Ye went upstairs, she passed by a closed room with a very delicate and clever pink door sign hanging on the door.

The door sign had three little letters written on it that were not very nice—Yeweiwei.

Mrs. Ye still clearly remembers that it was the name Ye Weiyi wrote on the sect when she was seven years old.

At that time, Ye Weiyi had not yet learned calligraphy and could practice calligraphy. Although each stroke was neat, it was not beautiful.

 But this defective house sign has been hanging for a long time.

 Just like the glass beads that have been kept in Yejia.

I still remember that at that time, Ye Weiwei had just moved into Ye's house, so he was very dependent on Ye Xichen.

But it happened that one day Ye Xichen had to leave on something urgent, and Mrs. Ye took Ye Weiwei to visit the children's mall on a whim.

The little one showed no interest in those toys, but when he saw the half bottle of glass beads shining brightly in the sun, he couldn't put it down.

The little one was too embarrassed to ask for it directly, so he held the glass bottle and looked at Madam Ye eagerly. The look of her slightly pouted and slightly pursed mouth was very cute.

Mrs. Ye bought it for her without saying a word.

The little one freed up one hand and took Madam Ye's hand.

Of course, the noble Madam Ye cannot squat down! She immediately picked up the little one.

Unexpectedly, the moment she picked her up, the little one came to her and kissed her on the cheek, and said in a voice as soft and sticky as glutinous rice cakes: "Thank you, Mama Ye."

 The memory ends here…

Mrs. Ye put away the excess emotions shown on her face and returned to the cold and arrogant lady.

 She reached out and turned over the door number.

 The name engraved on the house plate was deliberately concealed.


After Li Moer was kicked out of Yejia, there were always people gossiping in the villa.

"You tell me, why would my wife rather adopt someone else than give birth to a daughter herself? In the end, all the adopted daughters were kicked out."

"I once heard someone say that Mrs. Ye originally had a daughter, but she died at birth..."

 “It’s so scary.”

“What’s even more frightening is that my wife was injured twice during childbirth and will never be able to have children again.”

 “So the madam is quite pitiful.”

Her husband doesn't like her, and she's not close to her son. She spends all day guarding this empty mansion.

In fact, Madam Ye has never been a strong character in the plot. Do you want to clear her name?



 (End of this chapter)

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