My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 599: Go to the hotel and do that embarrassing thing

Chapter 599 Go to the hotel to do something that makes people blush and heartbeat

Ye Xichen lowered his head as she said, while Ye Weiyi raised his head at this moment, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed.

Seeing that he was about to stick to him, Ye Weiwei squatted down and slipped away from the side.

“Hahaha, idiot Ye Xichen, what do you think I want to do?”

 She ran three meters away, clapped her hands and laughed. She was a typical example of someone who had not been on the road for three days!

Ye Xichen raised his head, looked directly at her, smiled instead of angry, and stepped closer to her step by step with his long legs, "I don't know what you want to do, but you can think about what I want to do now." !”

Ye Youwei’s pupils were dilated, and he kept waving his hands back, shaking the bell on his wrist.

  She coughed twice deliberately, "Ahem, I was joking just now."

 “I am serious... I want to punish you.”

 Ye Xichen finished his words.

Ye Weiwei turned around and ran, speeding up and running forward, but found that no matter how hard she ran, she was still stuck in place, because she was already held by Ye Xichen with one hand, and she couldn't run away even if she wanted to!

Ye Weiwei immediately raised his hands, spread his fingers in front of his face, and ran away from home in a matter of seconds, "I admit my mistake! I regret it! I will never dare to do it again!"

This trick of "three consecutive sentences of admitting mistakes" is the ultimate way to admit mistakes. Isn't it true that all three sentences are used to admit mistakes?

But this did not make Ye Xichen "calm down". He chuckled and raised his brows, "I just admitted my mistake and lacked sincerity."

Ye Weiwei hurriedly said, "I'm very sincere!"

 “Where is the sincerity?”

“Then you bow your head again.” Ye Weiwei waved to him again.

But after learning the lesson from last time, Ye Xichen did not bow his head so calmly, and deliberately asked, "What if I don't?"

 “Then let me step in!”

As she spoke, she reached out and hooked Ye Xichen's head. At the same time, she stood up on her tiptoes and kissed the corner of his mouth accurately.

 Just the corners of the mouth, not the lips touching each other.

 “It was you who provoked me.”

Ye Xichen whispered and turned from passive to active, leaning in for a kiss.

People were coming and going in the huge square, and someone suddenly applauded from the side.

Ye Weiwei hid her face in Ye Xichen's arms and peeked out. It turned out that the little blond and blue-eyed loli was standing there, and the loving couple.

The wife's rose bouquet was missing two more roses, and the little Loli had two more roses in her hand.

Little Loli handed the rose to Ye Xichen and said to Ye Xichen in English: "Handsome brother, you can give the rose to your beautiful sister, and you will be happy."

Those are other people’s roses, how dare they take them.

At this time, the couple took the initiative to come forward and explain, "It seems that my daughter likes you very much. Today is the seventh wedding anniversary of my wife and I. I would like to convey happiness to the destined people and bless you."

Since they were so sincere, the two accepted the little Lolita's kindness and thanked the happy family, "You look so sweet. I wish you a long life together."

 They got through the seven-year itch and their family was happy.

Ye Xichen borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha and gave roses to people around him.

Ye Weiwei held the rose to the tip of her nose and smelled it, when she suddenly heard the man say in her ear: "Let's go to the hotel."

 “This…this is too fast.”

 Ye’s only reaction was to blush instantly.

A man and a woman alone go to a hotel, do they want to do things that make people blush and heartbeat? Although I had thought about it, at this moment I was really shy and my face was red.

Hahahahahaha, in the last chapter you asked Little Bell why she shouted "lower your head", of course you wanted to take advantage!



 (End of this chapter)

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