My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 606: It's the kind of love that men and women like

Chapter 606: The kind of love between men and women

 Mr. Qiao didn't tell her that it turned out that Mo Si was also from S City?

  That's not right. Mr. Qiao said that the Mo family has a great background and is even more powerful than the Ye family. However, among the most famous families in S city, there is no Mo family.

It’s such a coincidence that I can see Uncle Mo Si at the airport.

 Would you like to say hello?

Ye Weiwei felt a little entangled in his heart.

 But then I thought about it, they didn't know each other very well, they just exchanged a few words with Mr. Qiao.

 And now that there are a lot of friends around me, it would be troublesome to go over and say hello by myself.

 “Qiaoqiao, what are you looking at? Let’s go.”

 “It’s okay, let’s go.”

Ye Weiwei withdrew his gaze and no longer cared about Mo Si.

Gong Qianli was as enthusiastic as ever, pulling him from south to north and saying, "Qiaoqiao, we haven't had a good conversation since we came back."

Ye Weiwei suddenly remembered that matter, "I heard that you have transferred back to take the college entrance examination in China, right?"

 “Yes, that’s right.”

 “You are doing well abroad, why do you want to come back?”

"Ah." The only time she asked this question that night, Gong Qianli whispered in her ear, "I'll tell you quietly, it's actually because of Gu Chengxi! I have a crush on him!"

 “Liu Li, you...”

"Hush, don't say it yet. I haven't caught up with you yet, so I can't tell you."

 Ye could only digest this sentence by taking a deep breath, two breaths, or three breaths.

She asked Gong Qianli, "Does Brother Nangong know that you like Gu Chengxi?"

Gong Qianli shook her head honestly, "He doesn't know."

 “Then you’re not going to tell him?”

"I don't plan to do it now, because he is very jealous, even his friends' jealousy. Then he will definitely blame me for focusing on **** over friends."

Ye Weiwei blinked rapidly, "Are you...sure you value **** over friends?"

“Well, that guy really went too far. He only allowed the state officials to set fires but not the people to light lamps. I even saw him talking and laughing with beautiful women, and he also said that I value **** over friends.”

Hearing what Gong Qianli complained about Nangong Luo, Ye Weiwei, as a friend, wanted to give her a heads up, "Liu Li, haven't you thought about it first, does Brother Nangong like you?"

"Of course, he must like me. I'm so cute, don't you all like me?" Gong Qianli patted her chest and acted very confident.

 Ye Weiwei shook his head and emphasized, "It's not this kind of liking, it's that kind of liking, the kind between a man and a woman."

I said, "Oh, that's impossible. If he liked me, he would have told me already. I'd better stay away from him as soon as possible to avoid harming the world."

Gong Qianli accidentally amplified her voice.

 The conversation between the two girls was actually overheard by someone who was interested.

Nangong Luo, who was originally walking side by side with Ye Xichen, took two steps back.

“Boss, you go ahead and clear the way!” He kept smiling, completely hiding his inner feelings.

 Ye’s only explicit hints could not make Gong Qianli change her mind.

Gong Qianli’s meaning is: I can’t like Nangong Luo. If Nangong Luo loves me as a man and a woman, then I have to stay away from him early to avoid delaying him and wasting his feelings.

Ye Weiwei reminded that he had nothing to say in the end, "You really are... I don't even know what to say about you."

Gong Qianli didn’t pay much attention.

“Then don’t talk about it, Qiaoqiao, you and Brother Chen are so sweet during this period, is there anything special going on?”


Gong Qianli kept asking questions, but Ye Weiwei only said three words, which made Gong Qianli change his face instantly.

 (End of this chapter)

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