My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 613: Acting for real

 Chapter 613: Pretending to be real

Anan looked at Ye Weiwei's clear and bright eyes and nodded with difficulty.

“I see the way you are dressed and the demeanor around you. It seems that you have lived a good life these years.”

 Having lost his parents and still having such status now, he is indeed a very lucky child.

Anan thought so and no longer hid the things he knew at the beginning.

“You can ask whatever you want to know. Now that you have found me, I am too lazy to deal with others. I like to be direct.”

As soon as Anan opened the topic, he stopped hiding it.

Ye Ziyi turned around happily and looked at Pei Yichen, nodded to each other, then looked at Anan and began to ask.

“Did someone instruct you to do what you did in the first place? If so, who was that person?”

Ye’s only first question is so sharp and direct, which is quite admirable.

Anan told the truth about the problem according to his promise, "Someone asked our brother to do something, but he didn't contact him personally, so we don't know who that person is."

 Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and looked slightly nervous.

Because she was very curious and wanted to know, "Then, when that person asked you to do something, did he ask you to... harm my mother? Or did he want to kill our mother and daughter?"

“No!” Anan firmly denied, “The boss who paid us just asked us to pretend to do something to your mother, and didn’t say he wanted to kill you.”

“Pretend? Since it’s pretending, why did things get out of control in the end?”

"The financial owner suddenly regretted it and said he wanted to cancel the deal. My brother was so angry that he wanted to make things more serious and threaten him, but he didn't expect that the fake act would be real and he would harm others and himself!"

When Anan mentioned this matter, there was a trace of unnoticeable sadness and anger in his eyes.

Ye Weiyi felt that Anan had some kind of friendship with the two dead homeless people.

But back then, Ye Jia used his power to put pressure on the two people who violated her mother from the police station. They lived an inhuman life in prison. As a result, they committed suicide because they couldn't bear it.

 But now that I think about it, there may be something hidden in it.

Anan said: "I'm really sorry for what I did to your mother, but at that time they were numbed by alcohol, and they lost orders worth tens of thousands of dollars. The double stimulus made them lose their minds."

"This is not the reason for them to do bad things! My mother is so kind, but she became your victim." Ye Weiyi's inner grievance and unwillingness were rarely heard or seen by others.

“I don’t deny that it’s their own fault. I just think it’s unfair to let the person with truly bad intentions get away.”

"I understand...Uncle Anan, you didn't say anything back then. It was actually because you didn't dare to say anything, so you could only pretend to be confused to seek peace, right?"

“You are right, I am timid, so I finally choose to escape.”

So he "escaped" alone, took the branch funds that the Ye family gave him as a thank you to his hometown, and wandered away for several years before coming back.

“Maybe it was because I had the intention to do bad things at first, but now even God can’t stand it.”

"I have been looking for the truth of that year. I want to avenge my mother. Uncle Anan, can you come forward to testify for us?"


 Dragon Boat Festival Question 4: How old was Ye Weiwei when her parents had an accident? (The first person with the correct answer will receive 100 book coins, and another person will be randomly selected to receive 100 book coins)

 Answers to questions must be posted separately in the book review area, for example: [Quick Answer] **** (Quick Answer) xxx

 (End of this chapter)

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