My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 615: Announce relationship

 Chapter 615 Announcement of Romance

“What if Ye Xichen is really not Ye Hantian’s son?”

“Just thinking about it, there are so many coincidences and accidents in the world.”

 Ye Weiwei still regarded Pei Yichen's words as a joke and laughed it off.

People as selfish as the Ye family couple must have been lucky for eight lifetimes to have a son as good as Ye Xichen.

 Tonight, Yiwei sent fruits and high-quality body-replenishing herbs to Anan.

Anan refused to accept the gift at first, but under Ye Weiwei's insistence, Anan was too lazy to refuse, so he said: "Okay, you rich people can spend whatever you want. It depends on your mood. Since you insist on giving it, then I Just take advantage of this.”

Anan has failed to start a business in recent years and only relies on selling some things to maintain an ordinary life. Now he is alone, but he is free and easy.

"Miss Qiao, after all these years, why do you have to ask me to testify? You should have found your enemy. Seeing that you are an extraordinary person now, if you want revenge, isn't it just like taking something from your bag?"

"The implications are very wide at this time, not just this, and Uncle Anan, you are an indispensable witness."

“I’m sorry, Miss Qiao, please don’t waste your time on me. What I decided will not change.”

“Since Uncle Anan was able to come to the rescue back then, I now firmly believe that you are not a cruel person.”

Ye Youwei leads him forward and back politely. Although he has something to ask for, he is not too pushy and annoying.

 But there have just been some not-so-obvious results here, and the school in G City is about to start again.

Ye Weiwei felt a little worried.

 In fact, it is not just seeking Anan's testimony, there are other things that are also being urgently carried out.

 If she goes to G city, there will be a lot of inconvenience.

It’s so sad!

No matter how worried or unwilling, the start of school will come as scheduled.

She is in the second half of her freshman year, but for Ye Xichen, it is the last half of her graduation.

 All senior students have left school to do internships or find jobs, and even the school dormitories have been vacated.

Facing away a generation of legends, some people in the school are still regretting, "We will never see any more male heroes in the future."

Ye Xichen, who is good-looking and capable, is the target of public sexual intercourse. Especially, while he is single, he will never flirt with any girls, and he has become the best boyfriend in the hearts of girls.

Several girls were chatting and having fun. Suddenly someone stood up and pointed into the distance, "Hey, look over that boy Ye Xichen?"

Hearing this name, everyone turned around and looked in the direction of her finger.

 “It seems so.”

The students who had poor eyesight and did not wear glasses could only see a few figures in the same place, all in the form of a fuzzy mosaic.

The man with poor eyesight looked confused, "I can't see. Why did Senior Ye show up at school at the beginning of the semester? You don't need to register for your senior year, right?"

The classmate with good eyesight was so surprised that he covered the corners of his mouth with his hands, "Oh my God, it's Ye Xichen! But am I blinded? The girl standing next to Ye Xichen is... Qiao Li?"

 “Let’s go and have a look.”

 It is normal to see couples of men and women in college.

But there is something wrong with seeing Ye Xichen and Qiao Ling walking very close to each other in this university!

Moreover, why is their noble popular male **** Ye Xichen carrying a pink suitcase in his hand? He also talked to Qiao Ling and looked very gentle?

 “Quick, take a photo.”

 “What a big deal!”

Has the senior and the junior girl fallen in love?

 (End of this chapter)

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