My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 617: Appearance is justice

Chapter 617 Appearance is justice

“Late one night, while he was sleeping, the entire organization secretly evacuated, leaving him alone..."

 After telling this joke, she couldn't help but laugh again.

“It’s indeed interesting. It seems that Han Xingye is very fond of you.”

 “Otherwise, how can we say he is a male god?”

 The only thing in the night is a chuckle, that’s all.

Luo Yuxi said: "In this society, appearance is justice. As long as you have good appearance, everything you say and do is correct."

  Even if you are wrong, others will tolerate you for the sake of your beauty.

 Most people are visual creatures after all.

Xia Xiyun snorted, "You are right, appearance is justice, so some people should lose weight and stop eating more than pigs all day long."

"Xia Xiyun, no one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Luo Yuxi immediately picked up the little monkey doll next to her pillow and threw it over.

  Roommates all have their own personalities. Although they are not completely harmonious, it doesn't hurt to be a little noisy.

After such a long time, Ye Weiwei has basically forgotten about Luo Yuxi’s gaming issues, and there is still no problem getting along with her on weekdays.

 The two were fighting and quarreling, but Leng Ruxue remained silent as before.

  If you don’t pay careful attention, you can hardly feel her presence.

 Leng Ruxue answered the phone and went out again.

Normally when Xia Xiyun goes out, she would say hello in the dormitory to see if there is anyone who wants to go out with her. Even if there is no one, she will be happy to give her address.

Leng Ruxue never told her roommates where she was going or what she was going to do, and they had developed a habit of not asking questions.

 Originally, these were all natural things.

 But something unexpected happened.

Ye Youyi once again bumped into Leng Ruxue walking with a middle-aged man. With her good memory and the characteristics of the middle-aged man, Ye Youyi recognized that it was Leng Ruxue's previous financial backer, Li Jianguo.

This time Ye Ziyi will not endure it any longer.

She and Leng Ruxue have reached a contract a long time ago, and Leng Ruxue's value is just about to be reflected. How can she be allowed to destroy her own value?

Ye Weiwei took photos with her cell phone and called Leng Ruxue to force him away.

When she saw Leng Rushue's hunger, she asked bluntly: "Why are you still meeting that man?"

Leng Ruxue was surprised by this, "Have you seen it all?"

Ye Weiwei twitched the corner of his mouth, "Yes, I saw it, clearly!"

Leng Ruxue waved her hands hurriedly, "Things are not what you think."

“What’s the reason for lack of money this time?”

 “No, it’s not a lack of money.”

Ye Weiwei put up his hands, nodded, and gave her a chance to say: "If you want to explain, then tell the key points."

Leng Ruxue lowered her head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I know I broke the agreement with you, but I am also subject to others in this matter."

  Controlled by others?

 Although her mother, who was dependent on her, received treatment, she died due to long-term pain and suffering. She should have nothing to worry about.

“The biggest creditor now is me, do you still need me to remind you of the agreement we made back then?”

“You don’t know anything at all. Li Jianguo has my photos.”

"What did you say?"

Leng Ruxue suddenly covered her head and squatted on the ground, "He has taken many large-scale photos of me. He said that if I dare to look at them and refuse to meet him, he will post my photos online, and then everything about me will be It’s all ruined!”

Giggle, stepping on the reward floor of the end of the number 5, listen to Yu Xunsheng Remember to find an administrator Xi Yan to receive the reward ~



 (End of this chapter)

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