My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 620: There is such a stunningly beautiful person in the world

Chapter 620 There is such a stunningly beautiful person in the world

  "Hey? Did I hear you right? You stinky girl actually dare to threaten me?"

"I asked you to pick up the guests, but you didn't go. What tricks are you playing with me here now? I don't have time to spend with you. If you can't get the money, just follow me! Make money!"

Li Jianguo said that he was going to pull Leng Ruxue away.

Leng Ruxue's hands dropped to her sides. In fact, she was holding her coat tightly with both hands, not because she was angry, but because she was afraid!

 “Stop, don’t come over!”

Leng Ruxue usually looks aloof and hard to get close to, but she just happens to have a cool look, but she is actually very weak at heart.

Even though she was following Ye Youwei's instructions, she was still so scared that she almost lost her strength!

Li Jianguo is much more courageous than Leng Ruxue!

Maybe he was frightened by Leng Ruxue who suddenly became strong at first, but then he thought about it, how could someone suddenly become so powerful in just one day?

Li Jianguo thought Leng Ruxue was bluffing and laughed disdainfully, "Hey, are you remembering the time when we used to play **** cosplay on the bed?"

Li Jianguo’s joke made Leng Ruxue turn pale instantly.

 When she thought about her ridiculous past, she really had no face to face her former self calmly!

Seeing Leng Ruxue's uneasy expression, Li Jianguo became confident again.

“Think it over for yourself, I have kept records of all the happy days we had.”

Li Jianguo took out a photo from his black briefcase and handed it out.

Leng Ruxue reached out to take it, and Li Jianguo threw the photo on the ground.

Leng Ruxue bent down to pick up something anxiously, and Li Jianguo kicked her hand mercilessly.

 But Leng Ruxue still held on to the photo tightly and never let go.

 She didn't dare to look at it, she just kept the photo in her hand.

Li Jianguo knew that his threat was still effective when he saw her anxious and uneasy look.

 In this way, Li Jianguo became the person in power who had the upper hand.

  "Embarrassed to look at the photos? Look, look at your past self generously, those are the things that really happened to you."

Li Jianguo was smart at the time and never exposed his face when taking photos, so the only people in the shot were Leng Ruxue.

Leng Ruxue held up the photo with trembling hands. She just glanced at it and didn't dare to look at it anymore.

 She crumpled the photo tightly into a ball in her hand.

Her mind was in a mess, and she had long forgotten the only words she had told her the night before.

Li Jianguo stopped spending time with her and grabbed her wrist while she was distracted and dragged her outside.

 “Let’s go, come with me to make money now!”

Just when Li Jianguo was about to take Leng Ruxue out, Leng Ruxue suddenly came to his senses and separated to resist.

 But she is just a weak girl, how can she compare to Li Jianguo?

Her resistance was completely useless, and she was immediately dragged to the door by Li Jianguo.

Just when Li Jianguo reached out to open the door, three long clapping sounds suddenly came from behind him.


Li Jianguo turned around suddenly and suddenly saw a curtain hanging on the wall being lifted open.

Hands are so beautiful that just seeing them makes people think about them.

 In an instant, a beautiful and elegant beauty came from behind the curtain.

Her red lips parted slightly, and she commented with a smile, "This scene is really wonderful."

When Li Jianguo saw such a girl who was unworldly and extremely beautiful, his eyes went straight!

Answer to the fourth question: Xiao Lingdang was adopted by the Ye family when she was seven years old, so she was seven years old when her parents had an accident.

    It’s a pity that no one got the answer right.

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 (End of this chapter)

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