Chapter 623 Kneel down

 He reluctantly took out the few photos he was carrying.

Ye Weiwei stretched out a hand leisurely, "I want everything. Do you understand what I mean?"

Li Jianguo wanted him to cheat, and the strong man next to him hit the air with a hammer, as if if he was even slightly disobedient, the two hammers would immediately fall on his head!

Li Jianguo took out his mobile phone and deleted the photos in front of her.

"Is this bad? I've deleted all the photos." Li Jianguo deliberately raised his phone to show them.

Leng Ruxue reacted very quickly and pointed out, "Delete the record and you haven't cleared it yet."

Li Jianguo glared at her fiercely and had no choice but to clear the deletion records.

 But this is not enough!

Leng Ruxue put away all the photos he had just taken out, and Ye Weiwei saw that her hands were trembling.

 Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Weiyi remained awake.

 She was very casual and asked casually, "How can I trust that you don't have any other backup?"

“Oh, my eldest lady, I usually only use my mobile phone to take pictures. Where can I find a backup?” Li Jianguo denied irritably.

“I am a person who doesn’t like to leave room for anything when doing things. Since I want to make it clear today, I will do it thoroughly!”

 “What else do you want?” Li Jianguo raised his head and said something to her, expressing his strong resistance and dissatisfaction.

The strong man next to him slapped him on the forehead and shouted roughly: "Be honest!"

Li Jianguo held his breath but did not dare to resist.

 Hence I can only lower my head and compromise, "What do you want?"

Ye Weiwei asked: "Where did you print these photos?"

 “I have a color printing machine at home.”

That was when his company went bankrupt, he grabbed as much stuff as possible and took it away with him.

 Ye Weiwei nodded and decided, "Okay, take us to your home now."

“Miss, you brought someone to my house but you broke into a private house. Isn’t that bad?”

   “Hey, what qualifications do you think you have to bargain now?”

Ye Weiwei looked at the two big men next to him and said, "Take them away."

One of them followed Li Jianguo closely, and a sharp weapon was on him, so that he did not dare to act rashly.

Li Jianguo racked his brains to think of a way to escape. Maybe after he got in the car, he found that these people "sent" him directly to his door without asking for his address.

Seeing that he was about to reach the stairwell, Li Jianguo turned around and ran with the help of the objects beside him, but the next moment he saw Ye Youyi, one meter ahead of him, blocking the road.

 Li Jianguo was caught again.

 The place where he lives now is just a very dilapidated old house. Unlike the previous place where there were security guards in and out.

After being caught, Li Jianguo held his head in his hands. The strong man hit his leg with a hammer, and Li Jianguo bent his legs and knelt down.

“There aren’t even cameras in this place. Even if we beat you up, you have no evidence. Do you understand? Be honest!”

 “I was wrong, I was wrong.”

Li Jianguo’s feet were so weak that he could not walk.

 A strong man directly lifted him up.

Finally going upstairs, Li Jianguo stretched out his trembling hands to touch the key and opened the door. When he opened the door, a damp, musty smell hit his nostrils.

However, there is also a better electronic device here, which should have been moved by Li Jianguo from his original home.

Leng Ruxue was the first to find the color printing machine uncontrollably, and found two color photos pressed next to the color printing machine.

 When he opened it, Leng Ruxue was so frightened that he threw the photo away.

 (End of this chapter)

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